Posted inEconomy Economics,Environment,Food & Farming,Land Grab TaggedCliven Bundy,corporatism,Dry Lake SEZ,Harry Reid,public lands Nato’s action plan in Ukraine is right out of Dr Strangelove Posted onApril 18, 2014bycoto2admin|5 comments ...
(QIC), Astana International Financial Centre Court (AIFCC), and Abu Dhabi Global Market Court (ADGM)—preside over their own jurisdictions and are detached from the legal order and judicial systems of their states. They adjudicate on the basis of SEZ laws that are typically modelled on English...
While evaluation research is still in its infancy, recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses show that VR can enhance upper-limb motor outcomes in stroke [10,11,19], yielding treatment effects of medium-to-large magnitude [10,11], and complementing conventional approaches to rehabilitation. VR ...
a small precedent of success has been set by a handful of countries in the adoption of UPF regulatory policies. Most of these countries are in Latin America, where UPF consumption has grown exponentially in the 21st century [32], alongside the prevalence of diet-related disease...