With the development of user-centered and environment sensing technology of 5G, large capacity and ubiquitous coverage and massive data collection and processing will bring new challenges in wireless networks. The cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has b
leave__l_e_ft_l_e_f_t___oversleep__o_v_e_r_s_l_e_p_t_o_v__e_r_slept have__h__a_d_h_a__d___give___g_a_v__e_g_i_v_e_n___Doyourememberanyunexpectedsituationinyourdailylife?Whatdoyouthinkofthepeopleinthesepictures?Theylookscared/sad…Whathappenedtotheboy?Hebrokehisar...
Oomycetes are a large group of economically and ecologically important species. Its most notorious member is Phytophthora infestans, the cause of the devastating potato late blight disease. The life cycle of P. infestans involves hyphae which differentia
enhance urban sustainability, mitigate and adapt to climate change and to improve human health and well-being [1], [2]. The public perception of the value of green spaces and green infrastructure (especially trees) within cities has
(T2) which allows phosphate resulting from G6P hydrolysis to leave the endoplasmic reticulum. The existence of GSD type Ic was discussed when mutations in the gene encoding G6PT were identified in most of these patients [50]. However, no mutation was found in the gene encoding G6PT in the ...
These layers, taken as a whole, form theImageJ software stack[30], the core set of components upon which ImageJ-based applications are built. Each domain is itself divided into many individual libraries, each of which targets a particular function. This separation of concerns provides a logical...
Coffee is one of the world's most important crops; it is consumed worldwide and plays a significant role in the economy of producing countries. Coffea arabica and C. canephora are responsible for 70 and 30% of commercial production, respectively. C. arab
Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were calculated and presented in the form of Forest plots we generated a league table, which ranks summary estimates in order of the impact of the intervention on the primary outcome measure [10]. In the league table, interventions were ranked from thos...
Members of theC. eleganschemosensory receptor families form coherent sets of related sequences, falling into more than 20 families [3,4,6,7], of which the 19 largest are analyzed in this paper. A 20th family, srr, consists of only 10 genes inC. elegans, and may encode non-GPCR chemorec...
Little is known about the structure and distinguishing features of core promoters in Plasmodium falciparum. In this work, we describe the first method to computationally identify core promoters in this AT-rich genome. This prediction algorithm uses solel