To understand the variation in rumen fermentation function of newly received cattle during receiving period, ruminal pH, NH3-N, microbial crude protein (MCP), and VFA were measured. During the receiving period, the ruminal pH was lowest and the MCP concentration was highest at day 16 post-trans...
Neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) is the administration of therapeutic agents prior to definitive Surgery.1,2 It was first applied in cancer a half century ago. In 1955, Pisani et al first attempted to tre...
The EPA soon had additional responsibilities and, regarding chemical formulations, peculiar constraints. The Federal Insecticide Act of 1910 had been amended as the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1947 (FIFRA) [38], essentially a truth-in-labeling law [39]. FIFRA was then ...
07 December 2015 Functional properties of resting state networks in healthy full-term newborns Josepheen De Asis-Cruz1, Marine Bouyssi-Kobar1, Iordanis Evangelou1, Gilbert Vezina2 & Catherine Limperopoulos1,2,3 Objective, early, and non-invasive assessment of brain function in high-ri...
(for instance, no special treatment is afforded for sensitive data) and are voluntary in nature. To address these shortcomings, new legislation has been proposed in the form of the Protection of Personal Information Bill (B9-2009), which provides for greater security, openness and accountability,...
environmental mastery, purpose in life. Wellbeing for YPLHIV is multi-dimensional and relational. Relevant measures include the Personal Wellbeing Index, Ryff’s Psychological Wellbeing Scale and Mental Health Continuum Short Form. However, psychometric evaluations of these scales among YPLHIV in SSA ...
an average of about 50% to 60% [15–17]. Genetic gains, accruable from harnessing the potentials coded into the genetic blueprints of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA), could therefore make significant contributions to attaining this required 70% increases in food ...
As such, conducting this form of multilevel modeling is comparable to conducting OLS regression analyses for all neighborhoods by combining the variability of regression lines (due to the multitude of neighborhoods) into one analysis. As employed in this study, full RC SSuussttaaiinnaabbiilliittyy...
Ueber die durch Electricität bewirkten Form-und Volumenänderungen von dielectrischen Körpern. Ann. Phys. Chem. 1880, 247, 771–786. [CrossRef] 2. Pelrine, R.; Eckerle, J.; Chiba, S. Review of Artificial Muscle Approaches. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Micro ...
SUMO enzymes regulate another form of repetitive DNA sequences within the genome–rDNA. All three E3 ligases in yeast are crucial for maintaining rDNA stability [Citation126]. If a double-strand break occurs within the rDNA, recombination may be necessary to repair the damage. To facilitate this...