Tree Genetics & GenomesYang H, Liu T, Xu B, Liu C, Zhao F, Huang S (2015) QTL detection for growth and form traits in three full-sib pedigrees of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii × P. caribaea var. hondurensis hybrids. Tree Genet Genomes 11:130...
Physical mapping of QTL for tuber yield, starch content and starch yield in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) by means of genome wide genotyping by sequencing and the 8.3 K SolCAP SNP array Elske Maria Schönhals, Jia Ding, Enrique Ritter, Maria João Paulo, Nicolás Cara, ...
Therefore, we sought to establish a method that allowed us to query the function of regulatory elements in a physiologically relevant cell context. Here, we present the method called “primary T cell crisprQTL,” a high-throughput, single-cell, pooled CRISPRi-based functional screening framework...
Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe is one of the most prevalent diseases of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and other small grain cereals. Resistance against the fungus is quantitative and more than 100 quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been described. Two well-valid...
The heterotrimeric G-protein complex consists of Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits.GS3, encoding a non-canonical Gγ subunit, is a main QTL controlling grain length and is a negative regulator of grain size (Fan et al.2006). Thegs3allele corresponds to long rice grains. The GS3 protein contain...
located near to the two ends of the QTL. When the R1-61252 marker was validated experimentally in a different mass cross population, it showed a statistically significant association with increased robustness. The majority of thirty-six potential candidate genes located within the QTL have known fun...
GWAS and QTL of seed size and weight We sought to dissect the molecular basis of seed traits including seed length (SL), width (SW), thickness (ST), area (SA), single seed weight (SSW), and seed oil content (SOC) in castor bean. We first performed QTL analysis using a recombinant ...
Most studies have involved the comparison of species or strains and little is known about the genetic architecture of the trait. To address this question, we searched for QTL affecting osmoregulation capacities after transfer to saline water in a nonmigratory captive-bred population of rainbow trout...
Such amino acid combination is also found at the C-terminus of a number of membrane proteins and it has been established that these amino acids form an amphipathic α-helix, able to anchor the proteins to the plasma membrane [64–68]. We therefore hypothesize that a similar structure could ...
against theA. atlanticagenome assembly using the maker sequences associated with heading date on Mrg12 localized the heading date quantitative trail loci (QTL) to chromosome AA1, at an interval spanning bases 548,905,448 – 553,755,648. A total of 175 annotated gene sequence are found within ...