Charles Babbage who was the inventor of the first mechanical computing is also known as the father of computer. In 1842 Charles Babbage introduced general purpose computer which add, subtract divide and multiply in automatic sequence. Its average speed is 60 addition per second. The idea of Babba...
Apart from maintenance of sender integrity, there is no mechanism to verify data integrity (Xiong et al.2019). Message Authentication Codes (MAC) are one solution to enforce data integrity. The payload of CAN frames can be at most 512 bits. There is not enough space in the data field for...
In recent years, cheminformatics has experienced significant advancements through the development of new open-source software tools based on various cheminformatics programming toolkits. However, adopting these toolkits presents challenges, including pro
Contract confidentiality and participant particularity can be protected by this protocol. Yu et al. [17] analyze the Internet of Things data exchange paradigm using block chain ability. The significances of the test model show that the block-based chain proposed in this study provides enhanced ...
The full form of DOM is the Document Object Model. The full form of BOM is the Browser Object Model. The DOM is used for HTML document manipulation. The BOM is used for manipulation and accessing the browser window. It has a standard set of rules on which DOM works. It does not have...
The transmission control protocol (TCP) enables packet communications. It was initially designed for wired networks and later re-designed for wireless networks as seen in Yun [1], Kocan et al. [2], and Zeng et al. [3]. TCP has been further re-designed to support satellite networks in Wa...
Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IOM) plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient safety during neurosurgical procedures. This vital technique involves the continuous measurement of evoked potentials to provide early warnings and ensure the pr
Clinical medicine offers a promising arena for applying Machine Learning (ML) models. However, despite numerous studies employing ML in medical data analysis, only a fraction have impacted clinical care. This article underscores the importance of utilisi
Cloud computing offers cost-effective IT solutions but is susceptible to security threats, particularly the Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) attack. EDoS exploits cloud elasticity and the pay-per-use billing model, forcing users to incur unnecess
Typing has become a pervasive mode of language production worldwide, with keyboards fully integrated in a large part of many daily activities. The bulk of the literature on typing expertise concerns highly trained professional touch-typists, but contempo