We're glad to see vCluster being adopted by organizations around the world! Below are just a few examples of how vCluster is being used in production environments: Atlan: Atlan Reduced Their Infrastructure From 100 Kubernetes Clusters To 1 Using vCluster. ...
StatefulSet为每个Pod副本创建了一个DNS域名,这个域名的格式为:S(podname).(headless servername) 也就意味着服务间是通过Pod域名来通信而非PodIP,因为当Pod所在Node发生故障时,Pod会被飘移到其它 Node上,PodIP会发生变化,但是Pod域名不会有变化 StatefulSet使用Headless服务来控制Pod的域名,这个域名的FQDN为:S(servic...
无法获取 Log Analytics 工作区信息错误 不满意的PDB 错误 Windows AKS 群集上 Gen2 VM 的升级问题 由于NSG 规则,升级失败 群集升级后 Pod 中出现内存饱和 删除操作 缩放操作 启动操作 常见问题 排查Kubernetes 控制平面问题 节点/节点池可用性和性能 连接性 数据收集指南 存储器 扩展、策略和 ...
In this paper, we focus on the security aspects of serverless computing. It is about the security quantification toward the enhancement. Security is perhaps the greatest deterrent that prevents serverless computing from being widely adopted. Many business organizations and research institutes are quite v...
The Kubernetes pod cidr is for K3s and for K8s. The Kubernetes service cidr is for K3s and for K8s.The Network.NetworkPlugin value by default is flannel. Flannel is the default CNI for a K3S cluster. In a K8S cluster, change the...
Kubernetes(k8s)笔记-01 1.发展史 2.知识图谱 3.组件说明 4.Pod 4.1 pod类型 4.2 pod控制器类型 5.网络通讯方式 6.集群安装 6.1 前期准备 6.2 集群安装 略 7.资源清单 略...为什么计算机要用补码的方式来表示负数? 在回答这个问题前,我们假设不用补码的方式来表示负数,而只是把最高位的符号标志位变为 1...
- --service-cluster-ip-range= 可以容纳8190个ip 在改完这俩配置文件后,k8s集群是不可用的,需要马上重启kubelet,然后可以看到kube-apiserver-kubernetes-dev-master-1 和kube-controller-manager-kubernetes-dev-master-1 pod都重启了,svc的网段扩容完成 systemctl restart kubelet...
Something newer is Drone CI. A CICD featuring containers, in addition to scripts and the like, is often accompanied by a lot of Kubernetes and docker combined utilization. This part will continue in the next section. Multi Environment Failure ...
Calico BGP FullMesh 模式 一、环境信息 主机 IP ubuntu 软件 版本 docker 26.1.4 helm v3.15.0-rc.2 kind 0.18.0 clab 0.54.2 kubernetes 1.23.4 ubuntu os Ubu
而StatefuleSet创建的Pod一般都会使用Headless Service(无头服务)进行通信,与普通的Service的区别在于: 1、Headless不分配ClusterIP,也就是不使用ClusterIP,而是使用Endpoint进行通信,一般的格式为: statefulSetName-{0..N-1}.serviceName.namespace.svc.cluster.local #注释 1.statefulSetName:statefulSet的名称 2.{0....