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while female cells contain one active and one compacted and inactive X known as a Barr body [37,38]. This inactivation of one X theoretically ensures that XX transcription matches the dosage in XY males, leading to the model: 1 active X → female...
Plants take up nutrients from the soil for growth through the root system and return them to the soil in the form of apoplastic material, which is broken down by microorganisms into various types of nutrients. Therefore, investigating the linkages between soil nutrients, microbes, and the root ...
The 2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene (HHTP) is a highly conjugated triol ester that can coordinate with a metal-based node to form two-dimensional porous expansion frameworks known as metal catecholates (M-CATs). Inspired by the structure of M-CATs, Wu et al. [31] prepared a Fe...
A variety of cell death pathways play critical roles in the onset and progression of multiple diseases. Paraptosis, a unique form of programmed cell death, has gained significant attention in recent years. Unlike apoptosis and necrosis, pa
Recent molecular and morphological evidence now unequivocally support the inclusion of horsetails in ferns sensu lato (Monilophyta or Moniliformopses), which also encompasses whisk ferns and ophioglossoid ferns (Psilotopsida), marattioid ferns (Marattiopsida), and leptosporangiate ferns (Polypod...
Circulated iron was combined with transferrin in the form of Fe3+, and then it entered into cells by TFR1. Iron in Fe3+ form was deoxidized to iron in Fe2+ by iron oxide reductase STEAP3. Ultimately, Fe2+ was released into a labile iron pool in the cytoplasm from the endosome ...
Central to the theory is the construct of self-determined or autonomous motivation. This form of motivation reflects an individuals’ general reflection on the causes of their action. Self-determined or autonomously-motivated individuals engage in actions such as physical activity out of interest, ...
shenzhenica, a representative of one of two genera that form a sister lineage to the rest of the Orchidaceae, was whole genome sequenced to provide a reference for improving our understanding of orchid origins and evolution (Zhang et al. 2017). The A. shenzhenica genome was sequenced by use ...
which activates oxidative stress-related molecules and signals and transmits them between cells in the form of extracellular vesicles or diffusion, thereby triggering the cell death program and pushing hepatic steatosis toward inflammation and fibrosis. FFA, free fatty acid; TG, triglyceride; ER, endop...