Grapes contain a plethora of phenolic compounds, which are central to the fruit's antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective effects (Sabra et al.,2021; Shahidi & Yeo,2018). These phenolics exist in various forms, including free phenolics, esterified phenolics, insoluble-bound phenolics, ...
the altered peptide repertoire hypothesis suggests that a drug can interact with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules in a specific and noncovalent manner, leading to the presentation of altered peptides that trigger an immune response [17,18]. This...
Polymeric NPs are structures that can carry drugs and proteins by covalently linking or adsorbing them to a polymer framework or surface [66]. They can take the form of nanocapsules or nanospheres and consist of natural or synthetic polymers [67](Fig.1B). Examples of natural polymers include ...
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are recommended for the management of acute postoperative pain as part of a multimodal strategy to reduce opioid use, relieve pain, and reduce chronic pain in non-cardiac surgery. However, significant concerns arise in cardiac surgery due to the poten...
In OA, progressive degeneration of articular cartilage, subchondral sclerosis and synovial inflammation form a vicious circle that manifests in chronic pain, reduced mobility and the onset of chronic comorbidities [4]. Pharmacological treatments for OA are mostly restricted to symptom relief and to ...
In some regions, in particular Central America and Southeast Asia, unexpectedly high rates of CKD affect young populations without traditional risk factors, a condition commonly known as CKD of unknown etiology (CKDu) [2]. Epidemiological studies have described CKDu as a form of chronic ...
7173 Accesses 6 Citations Metrics details Abstract Nanotechnology holds immense promise in revolutionising healthcare, offering unprecedented opportunities in diagnostics, drug delivery, cancer therapy, and combating infectious diseases. This review explores the multifaceted landscape of nanotechnology in health...
Ellagic acid (EA) is a hydrolyzed form of ellagitannins (ETs), which are abundant in pomegranate, berries, and nuts. Complex dietary EA and ETs are poorly absorbed in humans, but they get further metabolized by gut microflora to yield a series of urolithins [8]. Among the urolithin specie...
Then, to evaluate prediction results with a triplet form of representation from our model, we referred to the average number of side effects of the drug pair in TWOSIDES and used the average value as the cutoff for determining the DDI positive (see Additional file 1: Fig. S13). The ...
frequentformofOA,affectingmiddle-agedwomenefficacyinpatientssufferingfromhandOAwitha andtheelderly(reachingaradiologicalprevalenceofhighlevelofpainandnoresponsetoanalgesicand 80%).12SymptomatichandOAinsubjectsagedmorenon-steroidalanti-inflammatorydrugs(NSAIDs),in ...