Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) coverage target 4 necessitates national scale-up of Level-2 Small and Sick Newborn Care (SSNC) (with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)) in 80% of districts by 2025. Routine neonatal inpatient data is important for improving quality of care, targeting...
The dependent variable of the study was the utilization of ‘full ANC’, comprising four components: four or more ANC visits, ANC checkup within the first trimester, a minimum of two TT injections, and the consumption of IFA tablets or syrup for a duration of at least 100 days during preg...
www.nature.com/scientificreports OPEN Full use of factors promoting catalytic performance of chitosan supported manganese porphyrin Lin‑Qiang Mo1,2,5, Xian‑Fei Huang3,5, Gao‑Cai Wang4, Guan Huang1* & Peng Liu1 In order to make full use of the impact of internal ...
A specific form of maternal sepsis is known as puerperal sepsis, an infection which is introduced during childbirth, but manifests in the post partum period within the first 42 days after delivery. It is of special importance because it is a serious, life threatening disease of the mother with...
Press Information Bureau, Government of India: The Impact of NRHM has been felt across States in the form of Improved Healthcare and Greater access to Healthcare. Available at: http://pib.nic.in/newsite/erelease.aspx?relid=34986. (last accessed 10.06.2012) Ministry of Health & Family Welfa...
A 60 W SWIPT prototype with a full-duplex communication rate of 20 kbps is built to verify the proposed method. Keywords: bidirectional power transmission; crosstalk; FSK; full-duplex information transfer; infor- mation transfer channel gain; SWIPT 1. Introduction Based on convenience and safety,...
admission and discharge dates as well as details of any antibiotics that had been prescribed (generic or trade name, dose and frequency). The form was prepared in English as the majority of the nurses were from South India and well versed in English. The nurses were trained for data collecti...
The main aim of NRHM was “to provide accessible, affordable, accountable, effective and reliable primary health care” and to bridge the gap in rural health care through creation of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA). The mission entailed providing united funds to enable local planning and...
Overall, 18.7% of women performed heavy work during the last six months of pregnancy; however, reported more frequently in tribal women. The study observed less frequent tobacco consumption during pregnancy than other studies from India [17, 18]. The most common form of tobacco consumption was ...
As of 2010, 86% of the 4386 districts in 45 countries in the region have implemented IDSR in one form or the other [17]. A systematic review of evidence from 18 countries indicates mixed experiences [18]. Limited information is available on the number and status of countries adopting it ...