With the progress of machine learning (ML) in the past few decades, ML has become a prominent solution for different applications including image classification [1], text mining [2], bioinformatics [3,4], and activity recognition [5]. Learning accurate models requires generation of informative f...
In LTR, the parameter tensorT=∑t=1ntλt⊗d=1ndpt(d)collecting all the regression coefficientswj1,…,rris represented in factorized form as weighted sum of rank-one tensors (Fig.1e). The factor matricesPcontaining the factor weights of individual variables representation are further factoriz...
goprotobuf - Go support, in the form of a library and protocol compiler plugin, for Google's protocol buffers. jsoniter - High-performance 100% compatible drop-in replacement of "encoding/json". mapstructure - Go library for decoding generic map values into native Go structures. php_session_...
Besides, we also utilize the binary classification metrics to evaluate the performance for each therapeutic peptide function prediction task in a one-versus-all form, including the area under the ROC curve (AUC) [17], Matthews’s correlation coefficient (MCC) [18], the F1 measure [19], and...
. To optimize the loss calculation, we calculated the partial terms in each GPU independently and exchanged the partial terms among all the GPUs in the group through NVLink. These partial terms were then combined to form the DICE loss results. This sped up the loss calculation by more than ...
Analysis of High Throughput (HTP) Data such as microarray and proteomics data has provided a powerful methodology to study patterns of gene regulation at genome scale. A major unresolved problem in the post-genomic era is to assemble the large amounts of
as evidenced by the MLPerf Inference 0.7 test performance. Much of the work that went into making these wins happen is now available to you and the rest of the developer community, primarily in the form of open-source software. In addition, TensorRT and Triton Inference Server are freely avai...
Each entity is described by a surface form dictionary that contains all phrases matching its string. For example, the entity "IKK" is an entry in E, whereas an occurrence of "IKK" in a scientific paper is an entity mention. Furthermore, an occurrence of "IκB kinase" is one surface ...
The term tab contains columns showing the textual form of a term occurrence, its possible concept identifiers and main semantic types together with an ambiguity count. In the concept tab (called "Genes/Proteins" for this task) there is a row for each concept identifier with a relevance score,...
The NB094/SMC_N domain present in the c -terminal region of the PBC4 TMP is also present in other related homologs, with the exception of phages Stills, Basilisk and our phages. The conserved domains in the PBC4 C-terminus include domains known to form multimers, bind ATP (NBD94 and ...