Aerial seed banks occur in plants that postpone the release of viable seeds, thereby providing a mechanism for population maintenance in unpredictable environments. Seeds retained on the mother trees offer a reservoir of genetic diversity across years, b
Antimicrobial activity in AU/ml of neutralized bacterial CFS was assessed using the spot on lawn method as described previously [15]. All tests were carried out in triplicates. On the other hand, pH, thermal stabilities and effect of some surfactants on antimicrobial activity were evaluated. pH ...
Globally, cardiovascular diseases remain among the leading causes of mortality, highlighting the urgent need for innovative research models. Consequently, the development of accurate models that simulate cardiac function holds significant scientific and
MOSJE. Welfare of the Other Backward Classes. Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2022 Nov 19]. Available from: Filmer D, Pritchett LH. Estimating wealth effects without expenditure data–or tears: an applicatio...
H2S imbalances in the intestinal tract trigger Crohn's disease (CD), a chronic inflammatory gastrointestinal disorder characterized by microbiota dysbiosis and barrier dysfunction. However, a comprehensive understanding of H2S generation in the gut, and
thiosulfate, trithionate, and pentathionate (Varga and Horváth2007). It can also react with sulfide to form sulfur and thiosulfate. Furthermore, some bacteria can biologically convert tetrathionate to sulfur, sulfate, and thiosulfate (Sorokin2003). Due to the above-mentioned conversions, tetr...
The islands of Croatia form one of the largest island archipelagos in Europe. We expected that the high diversity of dialects, relative isolation of local populations and abundance of aromatic Mediterranean plants would result in a high number of taxa used....
is 39 nm. this trend is reflected in the data in the form of maximum intensity in the shadowed area 21 . the coherent lengths of the forward nd-cars corresponding to the above cases are approximately 10 and 4 \(\mathrm{\upmu m}\) . from the modified relation of eq. 1 , for the...
Those measures may take the form of technical controls such as encryption or anonymization of data. The PIA analysis is a self-declarative analysis. In France, the local GDPR representative (Commission Informatique et Liberté, CNIL) has provided a software to guide the reflexion around security ...
to -tocopherol succinate, there was a slight increase in gene expression in the tumor (ssPalmE). When the completely CpG-free pDNA encoding the solute form of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) was used, tumor growth was significantly suppressed, especially when it was delivered...