The financial market is considered the backbone of an economy because it represents the priority, policies, and economic growth of a country (Musmeci et al.2015; Pan and Mishra2018). The financial market has remained an area of interest in the last few decades. Researchers and academicians hav...
Because of the dangers of local delivery of drugs to the myocardium, the choice has been made to use TPP + in combination with the specific peptide CSTSMLKAC (PEP) to modify mitochondria, taking the form of an intravenous injection, where mitochondrial complexes in the bloodstream can be...
However, most of the literature on this topic is of the descriptive type, with little literature available on how universities are incorporating this form of student learning into the formal curriculum.Peer Review reports Introduction Data suggests that 87% of the population of Great Britain in ...
Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that affects the mesothelial surfaces, associated with exposure to asbestos fibres. To date, no cure is available for MM and therapeutically approved treatments are based on the use of platinum compounds often used in combination ...
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two groups and will be automatically pushed to the “Engine” library to form normal equations. The parameters and O-C measurements are managed intelligently so that users can concentrate on the development of their own algorithms without considering the way to match the SRIF or the LSQ ...
encodes a homeobox protein MOX-1, a transcription factor expressed in somites. MOX-1 regulates separation of vertebrae from one another during early development. Despite the clinical heterogeneity of KFS, the patients harboring pathogenic variants in theMEOX1gene display multiple common features, i.e...
Networks delivered a third consecutive year of growth underlining the strong right to win in target segments of our differentiated multi-orbit offering, strengthened in 2024 with the successful entry into commercial service of the O3b mPOWER MEO constellation. We have executed on a strong commercial...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation-associated lung edema (CRALE) is a specific form of lung damage that has been recently described both experimentally and clinically after cardiac arrest and CPR [5, 6]. CRALE is characterized by increased lung weight and density with reduced aeration, as measured by ...
Spagnuolo PA, Hu J, Hurren R, Wang X, Gronda M, Sukhai MA, Di Meo A, Boss J, Ashali I, Beheshti Zavareh R, et al. The antihelmintic flubendazole inhibits microtubule function through a mechanism distinct from Vinca alkaloids and displays preclinical activity in leukemia and myeloma....