Rare disease (RD) management and orphan drug development in India face various hurdles regarding the implementation and adoption of comprehensive policies, lack of dedicated regulatory frameworks, and absence of epidemiological data. Current rare disease
2015. Accessed 8 Mar 2021. Ministry of Health and Population. Gender equality and social inclusion strategy of the health sector, 2018. https://nepalindata.com/media/resources/items/0/bGENDER_EQUALITY_AND_SOCIAL_INCLUSION_STRATEGY_OF_THE_HEALTH_SECTOR_2018.pdf. 2018. Accessed 5 Jul 2021. ...
As clinicians’ gain more experience and knowledge, the growing acceptance and optimism towards integrating VR into clinical practice also bring to light concerns about the practical, ethical, and safety implications of this technology. These concerns form the basis of the second discussion section, wh...
She had no history of admission to hospital. She had no history of any form of surgical procedures. On physical examination, there was a soft to firm multinodular anterior neck mass largest measuring 2 × 3 cm on the left lobe of thyroid gland (Fig. 1). She did not have axillary...
The increase in AMR, along with a shortage of new alternatives to antimicrobials, have contributed to the expansion of multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria which have particularly serious consequences for patients in hospital settings [5, 6]. By 2050, the problem of AMR is estimated to cost £...
Enrolled patients will be clinically affected and have mutations in CAPN3 (LGMDR1), ANO5 (LGMDR12), DYSF (LGMDR2), DNAJB6 (LGMDD1), SGCA (LGMDR3), SGCB (LGMDR4), SGCD (LGMDR6), or SGCG (LGMDR5, or FKRP-related (LGMDR9). Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this ...
Protein–protein interactions (PPIs) represent a fundamental form of molecular interaction that governs critical biological functions such as cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. STRING [13] is a text mining-based PPI method that conducts statistical co-citation analysis across many ...
Chicken metabolite dataset and metabolite identification This study established the first large-scale serum metabolomic profile in chickens. A total of 7,191 metabolites were identified using non-targeted metabolomics; these were integrated to form a chicken serum metabolite public reference dataset that ...
IRES has been identified as the primary form of resistance to mTOR inhibitors. EPZ015666, the other inhibitor of PRMT5, can inhibit the PRMT5 mediated SDMA methylation of hnRNP A1 in gliomas. This can inhibit the activation of related proteins mediated by IRES and reverse the resistance of ...
Self-microemulsion, an isotropic mixture of surfactants, co-surfactants, oil and drugs, can spontaneously form O/W nanoemulsion ranging 1-100 nm upon contact with aqueous medium under the digestive movement of the stomach or upper small intestine. It has the advantages of easy preparation, good...