A haptic experience uses the sense of touch, associated with sight to explore and understand the form, texture, and the 3D characteristics of an object [16]. Moreover, physical manipulation allows active control of a model; hence, permitting visualization from multiple perspectives, and the ...
different aerial scene categories. All of them had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Participants were naïve to the purpose of this study and were asked to observe images in order to be able to make scene categorizations. All of the participants were students or graduates of the major ...
Consistent with the conditions of this approval and related documentation (e.g., parent information and informed consent forms), data were in pseudonymised form during analysis. All methods used in the study were carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Consent for publication ...
For instance, using RNC-seq, Zhang’s group identified an 87-amino-acid tumor-suppressive peptide encoded by the circular form of a lncRNA LINC-PINT in glioblastoma cells [51]. However, preserving the integrity of RNC mRNAs during RNC-seq procedures can be technically challenging owing to RNC...
The 12-item EDE-Q short form (EDE-QS) represents an adaptation of the original EDE-Q into a brief format suitable for routine outcome assessment [16]. The response scales have been transformed into a four-point scale (0–3) referencing the past seven days. This change may be particularly...
The implication of the achievement motivation framework is that the general form of the subjective Effort-Utility function is an inverted U (Kanfer, 1987; see also McGrath, 1976). That is, tasks with too-little effort demands (boredom) and tasks with too-high effort demands (fatigue) are ...
For each possible transition, an MSM is specified entirely by its state structure (defined by the transition rate at which an event occurs over time) and the form of the hazard function for the respective transitions (given individuals’ characteristics or covariates). Moreover, an MSM can ...
Exposure to grape phenols at a high dosage in an extract form can alter the rumen microbial community. This, however, does not necessarily alter the effect of grape phenols on the microbial community function compared to feeding high levels of winery by-products. This suggests the dominant role...
Following forward backwards translation, the LSA-H was developed, and the scores were correlated with those of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale Hindi (ABC- H), the Physical Health Subscale of the WHO-BREF Questionnaire and the Geriatric Depression Scale: Short Form Hindi (GDS-SFH)...
This study aimed to determine the serial mediation effects of sleep quality and fatigue on the relationship between SMA and academic engagement among college students. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 2661 college students (43.3% males, mean age = 19.97 years). The ...