xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') xhr.send(querystring|jsonstring);//字符串 1. 2. 语法2: xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') let data = {username:'ujiuye',password:'123456'} xhr.send(JSON.stringify(data)) 1. 2. 3. 描述:...
curl发送json的方法:curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"uid":"1"}' python的接收json的方法:uid = request.json.get('uid') curl发送form的方法:curl -X POST --data 'uid=2&stop_type=normal'
原因就是配置 初始的authorizeRequests.antMatchers 必须要包括所有的配置受formLogin 保护的资源端点,否则就会走 oauth2 认证;oauth2 会读取请求头或请求参数里面的Authentication: Bearer xxx token,读取不到就直接 deny, 返回401. 所以呢,问题解决方案就是受formLogin 保护的资源端点, 不配置且不放行则 401; 当然...
LARAVEL-8, API, VUE.JS(employees section) and Bootstrap-4 Framework also used libraries like Moment js, vue-router, vuejs-datepicker. Here "employees" section is a Single Page Web Application (SPA)... Here all the features and requirements are written in the README.md file of this ...
ORACLE_DSN This directive is used to set the data source name in the form standard DBI DSN. For example: dbi:Oracle:host=oradb_host.myhost.com;sid=DB_SID;port=1521 or dbi:Oracle:DB_SID On 18c this could be for example: dbi:Oracle:host=;service_name=pdb1;port=1521 for ...
Page-break-lines displays form feed characters as clean, horizontal rules, improving readability. (use-package page-break-lines :diminish :init (global-page-break-lines-mode)) Fonts and Icons Prerequisite: Install all available fonts and icons from the `fonts/` directory. Then execute M-x all...
ai.formrecognizer.training com.azure.identity com.azure.security.keyvault.administration com.azure.security.keyvault.administration.models com.azure.security.keyvault.certificates com.azure.security.keyvault.certificates.models com.azure.security.keyvault.keys.cryptography com.azure.security.keyvault.keys ...
form View more tunnckocore •3.3.9•5 years ago•61dependents•MPL-2.0published version3.3.9,5 years ago61dependentslicensed under $MPL-2.0 8,787 itemsjs Created to perform fast search on small json dataset (up to 1000 elements). ...
INSERT INTO pages(title, body) VALUES('Download', 'All SQLite source code...'); -- Change the title of the row just inserted. UPDATE pages SET title = 'Download SQLite' WHERE rowid = 54; -- Delete the entire table contents. DELETE FROM pages; -- The following is an error. It is...
The Fullscreen API has methods and properties to handle HTML elements in full-screen. Example Show a <video> element in fullscreen mode: /* Get the element you want to display in fullscreen */ varelem = document.getElementById("myvideo"); ...