Demographics and clinical data of the patients were collected using a standardized clinical assessment form. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and the Young’s Internet Addiction Test were used to evaluate psychopathological symptoms and IA respectively. Results Overall, the prevalence of...
JFM was in charge of serological tests and analysis. JQX managed pathological examination and analysis. JMZ contributed to research design, research conduct and article review. HYS was responsible for the whole study, who participated in data collection, data analysis, article review and research ...
There are also participant worksheets used to facilitate delivery of the intervention content. The study interventionists were trained specifically on the intervention treatment manuals (see section “Intervention description {11a}” for a more detailed description). We then developed a fidelity form ...
The students’ knowledge of AT was assessed using a pretest and posttest. Additionally, their skills in evaluation of residential environments were assessed using the Residential Environment Assessment (REA) Form for Older Adults. All data analyses were performed with SPSS version 22. Results In the...
In addition, the weighted prevalence of IPV in different regions will be presented in the form of a map based on 3303 samples of the PDHS 2017–2018 domestic violence module. Logistic regression models were applied to examine the relationship between two types of IPV and three outcome variables...
Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the temporal trends in the nutritional status (2008–2023) and food consumption (2015–2023) of non-village indigenous people in Brazil, using data from the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN). Methods In this time series study, secondary data...
The GERD questionnaire (GerdQ) was used to assess symptoms, while the Arabic version of the validated Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) was used to assess night eating. Physical activity was assessed using the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (SF-IPAQ), and adherence...
There has been an increasing interest in reablement in Norway recently and many municipalities have implemented this form of rehabilitation despite a lack of robust evidence of its effectiveness. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of reablement in home-dwelling older adults...
**/*.jfm **/charts **/docker-compose* **/compose.y*ml **/Dockerfile* **/node_modules **/npm-debug.log **/obj **/ **/ **/build **/dist LICENSE *.xmind **/.classpath 6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions 6 .gitignore Show commen...
The initial two Top of Form During our initial interactions with all participants, we explained the study’s purpose and sought their willingness to participate. NDAPs were reassured regarding the confidentiality and the anonymity of their participation. This was crucial since the majority of NDAPs ...