Thus, Equation 21 is a generalized form applicable to the various constraints discussed in Section 2. 3.3 Weighted design equation and its solution For certain applications, the design precision requirements of notch frequencies are more rigorous than those at the cutoffs and vice versa. For ...
The Bahr El-Baqar drain is one of Egypt’s most polluted drains. It drains heavily populated wastewater (about 3 million m3 per year) from Governorates, Qalubeya, Sharkia, Ismailia, and Port Said and into Lake El-Manzala. The drainage water of the Bahr El-Baqar drain consists of 58%...
In natural medicinal chemistry research, the active ingredients found in TCMs primarily exert their efficacy through a population of small molecules, which includes oligosaccharides, saponins, terpenoids, and alkaloids, among others [43]. However, the in vivo delivery of small molecule drugs is largely...
Ganoderma lucidum-derived polysaccharide (PS-G) can rapidly and effectively promote the activation and maturation of immature dendritic cells (DCs), suggesting that PS-G possesses the capacity to regulate immune responses. This study aimed to clarify the immunologic effect of PS-G on monocyte-derived...
oligoform / fullPage.js omeryildiz / fullPage.js onnayokheng / fullPage.js oo7ph / fullPage.js openroc / fullPage.js openube / fullPage.js oraclebox / fullPage.js orazionelson / fullPage.js orrisb / fullPage.js oscarmorrison / fullPage.js ottomanh / fullPage.js ...
In addition, these data provide insight into genes relevant to the antiviral responses of bats, and form a basis for examining the roles of these molecules in immune response to viral infection.Background Bats make up approximately 20% of the extant mammalian diversity and are the second most ...
Currently, best protection is achieved by secure computation protocols that share data only in cryptographically protected form such that the data is never learned by third parties in clear. The 2016 Secure Genome Analysis Competition, organized by the iDASH center, aims to assess the state of ...
time onD’ can be significantly smaller than that onD. Based on this consideration, given a large DNA datasetD, one way to effectively improve the time performance of qPMS algorithms is to select a portion of the sequences fromDto form a sample sequence setD’, making the proportion of the...
After performing double centering onD, one can apply SVD toB. SinceBis symmetric, the decomposition is of the formB=UVUT. Hence,B=X−1NX11T=UV12, where the columns ofBare the coordinates of data, with the mean of the data being moved to the original point. ...
A 3D video can be defined as time-varying imagery that supports the binocular visual cue, which, in combination with other 3D visual cues, delivers a realistic perception of depth. In its simplest form, 3D video is formed using two separate video channels (i.e., left and right) in which...