ICRP, 2015. Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals: a Compendium of Current Information Related to Frequently Used Substances. ICRP Publication 128. Ann. ICRP 44(2S). Clement, C. H.; Hamada, N., Eds., SAGE, 2015. ICRP. 1998. Radiation Dose to Patients from Radiopharmaceuticals ...
It has been elucidated that ΔNp63α cannot form hetero-oligomers with p53, unlike mutant p53 [12], and thus, its p53 repressor activity is attributed to competitive inhibition, which results from the high homology between its DNA-binding domain and that of p53, and gene regulations [10]. ...
Similar findings have suggested that cellular response to the presence of NPs also involves secretion of proteins in response to the initial form of the NP taken up by the organism, causing the “initial” corona to evolve, which can lead to altered uptake and impacts not currently considered ...
2. These are LiF-based TLDs (LiF: Mg,Ti (MTS-N)) with the form of circular pellets with 4.5 mm diameter and 0.9 mm thickness [33]. They provide reliable measurements of doses in the range of μSv in terms of the dosimetric quantity Hp(0.07). These gloves are always covered with ...
A value of 0.1479 MeV for the mean energy per decay was adopted from ICRP Publication 107 [46]. The self-absorption of gamma radiation from 177Lu activity in each kidney was taken into account by multiplication with a factor of 1.05 based on the Monte Carlo simulation by Hippeläinen et...
bThe main arguments were made available to the MAK Commission in written form in 2011 and all arguments were publicly presented and discussed with representatives of the MAK Commission at the symposium on the new general dust limit value proposal of the MAK Commission organized by the Committee on...
of weight in the form of intramyocellular volume (“filling out” via glycogen and/or intramyocellular triglyceride storage) prior to competition. Although water and sodium are two separate dietary components, it is critical to comprehend that manipulation of one variable influences the other; ...
technology. However, individuals form opinions often when they do not possess much information, based on factors other than factual information, including values, trust in science, and arguments that typically lack factual content [36]. This creates a challenge to earn public acceptance of ...
EXOs generate from the invagination of endosomes which form multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and they are secreted through the fusion of MVBs with the cell membrane; this process is mediated by the Rab family of proteins [3]. EXO composition is dependent on the cell type of origin, and is ...
Effective dose and equivalent dose coefficients are given for ten integration periods form 1 d to 70 y. Extensive help files summarizing the biokinetic models in ICRP Reports 68 and 72 are provided. The greatest value added in this CDROM, however, is the powerful help utility. Th...