In 2022, the UK Government implemented legislation to restrict the promotion of high fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) products in prominent store locations, “making a solid start towards creating healthier retail outlets for consumers” [24, 25]. Whilst there is mounting evidence to inform best-...
Cookie Preference Center Your Privacy Strictly Necessary Cookies Performance Cookies Functional Cookies Targeting Cookies Your Privacy When you visit any web site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you, your preferences...
For instance, regular blood pressure monitoring, positioned as a form of self-care for the management of cardiovascular disease and stroke [54], has been reported to be cost-effective for monitoring interventions in environments where primary care providers and patients work together [55]. Besides,...
it is an efficient form of marketing for brands [41], and is likely successful in influencing purchase decisions through targeting potential shoppers in places the brands are sold [42]. Food marketing through media such as television and advergames have been shown to impact eating and related be...
allowing for factors to be added or removed from categories of influence (e.g. household income can be a relationship factor for married adults, but an individual factor for single older adults). Data Extraction & Analysis A data extraction form was created to collect information from each ...
In the near future it is likely that a major cyanobacterial processing effort will be required in order to supply the quantities of toxin needed for extended oral toxicity trials in rats or dogs, which will form an essential part of carcinogenicity risk assessment. And a recent recommendation ...
Numerical results obtained by our closed-form expressions for the scattering parameters are compared to those by Ansoft's high frequency structure simulator (HFSS). Excellent agreement between them is observed, which verifies the validity of our derived expressions.Shen, Zhongxiang...
Human ethics approval was obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee of the Jilin University (reference no. 201801078). The informed written consent form was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics Committee and signed by the donor before sample collection. P3–5 lines of hFSSCs were ...
Several EM-simulation methods have been described in the literature [56,57], either based on the differential or integral form of Maxwell’s equations. To avoid reflections of the electromagnetic waves at the boundaries of the computational domain, absorbing boundary conditions are essential. Several...
The above algorithm in its present form is straightforwardly programmed in MATLAB and shows a high reliability. It produces an exact representation of any curved intersecting surfaces. At the same time, it is yet to be optimized for speed and for handling of some degenerate cases. Fig. 2 ...