Full form or SAP GRC stands for Governance, Risk, and Compliance. This is a powerful software that is important for companies to ensure that authorization and security standards are met. It saves a lot of time and effort when auditors approach a company. This further prevents companies from pr...
SAP is a software system that was originally developed in Germany, and therefore, there is no surprise that its name is an acronym of several German words. Interestingly, during its early time SAP once changed the name but the acronym remained the same. The original SAP full form was the ...
Indigenous buffaloes, as the important livestock species contributing to economy of the country, are the lifeline of livelihood in Nepal. They are distributed across diverse geographical regions of the country and have adapted to various feeding, breedin
Parents of study participants signed an Informed consent form. For scRNA-seq, TMJC tissue was isolated by surgical excision. The entire mandible, including the mandibular body and TMJ (condyle, joint capsule, joint disc, part of fibrous ligament and temporo-articular fossa), was isolated along ...
The eight phenotypically distinguishable indigenous chicken breeds in Guizhou province of China are great resources for high-quality development of the poultry industry in China. However, their full value and potential have yet to be understood in depth.
Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates various developmental processes and stress responses over both short (i.e. hours or days) and longer (i.e. months or seasons) time frames. To elucidate the transcriptional regulation of early responses of grapevine (Vitis vi
Water deficit has significant effects on grape berry composition resulting in improved wine quality by the enhancement of color, flavors, or aromas. While some pathways or enzymes affected by water deficit have been identified, little is known about the
Grapevine is a major food crop that is affected by global climate change. Consistent with field studies, dehydration assays of grapevine leaves can reveal valuable information of the plant’s response at physiological, transcript, and protein levels. The
"kind-of": "3.2.2", "longest": "1.0.1", "repeat-string": "1.6.1" } }, "alphanum-sort": { "version": "1.0.2", "resolved": "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/alphanum-sort/download/alphanum-sort-1.0.2.tgz", "integrity": "sha1-l6ERlkmyEa0zaR2fn0hqjsn74KM=", "dev": true...
The apvoelryadgiemdeuthryalbsiilloitxyafnoer(sPuDcMh DS)EiAs sapwpirtohxaimdaietelleyct1r0ic8 lcayycelerscoofnsaicsttuiantgioonf [p1o6l,y20d,2im2]e. tHhoywlsielvoexra, ntheo(sPeDMS) is appethlreioncxtrmiomedteaastlelcilcoynesl1ei0sct8tirnocgydoceslfeg[s1re6oa,2fs0ea,2cc2tou]...