If autistic girls pick up this tool or other strategies, it could normalize how they are perceived relative to typical peers, masking internal social struggles and serving as a form of “conversational camouflage.” Future research is warranted to explore the intentionality with which these ...
Fig. S2. Results of GLM on the effect of roost parameters on the total number of bat species using natural roosts (not necessarily simultaneously). Fig. S3. Temperature during five days at three different heights inside a bat roost in a large hollow tree....
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We first used a General Linear Model (GLM) to test whether non-social behavior frequency predicted mSRS-R score in female rhesus monkeys, as previously found for male rhesus monkeys [10]. We included age, the number of females in the corral, and the number of kin in the corral as ...
Microbes at mucosal sites form sub-communities based on specific interactions between individual taxa. The inter-microbial relationships that define these communities can be inferred from the co-occurrence of taxa across multiple samples. We identified co-variant microbes across major taxa in the luminal...
In the GLM 'focal female body size', too, had a significant effect (Table 1), and a post hoc Pearson correlation using standardized residuals revealed a significant negative correlation (rP = -0.18, P = 0.031, n = 145; Figure 4); in other words: larger females were generally less consi...
The simplest Poisson model of the form (3) is one in which θij is the same across all cells i, that is, θij=pj0 for all i=1,…,n. We treat this a “null” model, which can be used to make certain comparisons, e.g., to estimate changes in expression in relative to express...
To understand the drivers of improved walking capacity, we re-ran the models for walking capacity for each underlying measure using proc GLM. The beta for the z-scored difference, representing the effect of the OWG compared to WR, for each measure of walking capacity, were as follows: mini-...
the expression matrix is normalized within each cell and log-transformed to further suppress potential extreme values. Feature selection involves any form of expression profile dimension reduction or subsetting steps. Due to the variability in preprocessing steps across different methods, it is challenging...
Given the nature of an elderly study population, we expect study attrition in the form of participant death or withdrawal. Our proposed analysis plan using mixed effects models are robust under the missing at random (MAR) assumption that the probability for dropping out depends on participants’...