However, it still has room to improve, for example, combining DE or PSO with other optimization algorithms to form a better hybrid algorithm [46], or using other ensemble strategies, such as sequence integration methods such as boosting method [56]....
de Menezes-Júnior LAA, de Moura SS, Miranda AG, de Souza Andrade AC, Machado-Coelho GLL, Meireles AL. Sedentary behavior is associated with poor sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic, and physical activity mitigates its adverse effects. BMC Public Health. 2023;23(1):1–13. https:/...
These networks demonstrate the ability of communication satellites to provide broadband services in any part of the world, to complement the terrestrical networks. Also, the concept of Gll has been emerging and satellites can provide superior service to Gll if they form seamlessly interoperable ...
LexA inE. coliconsists of an N-terminal DNA-binding domain and a C-terminal dimerization domain [8,12]. The N-terminal contains three α-helices (I, II, III) and an anti-parallel β-sheet [12]. Helices II and III form a helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif, and all the DNA-contacti...
although the use of force or threat of force by an intimate partner to gain sexual access has long been recognized as a vicious and extremely damaging form of sexual aggression [8, 15], less is known about the more subtle forms of unwanted sex where no force or threat of force is used...
Four reviewers (THL,DC,LN,GJF) independently extracted the guidelines which met the characteristics (for example, a clear guideline definition as proposed by the institute of Medicine [4], focused exclusively on constipation disease). We constructed a standard form table to extract the data of gu...
However, compared with animal lincRNAs, the functions of plant lincRNAs and their regulatory roles remain largely undiscovered. Unlike lincRNAs, plant microRNAs (miRNAs) are approximately 21–24 nucleotide (nt) single-stranded, small non-coding RNAs that typically form near-perfect duplexes with ...
In addition, individuals working from home, especially the older people, should be encouraged to engage in leisure-time physical activity as a form of health promotion.Peer Review reports Background Work from home (WFH) has gained considerable importance due to progress in information technology ...
Biceps femoris and tongue muscles are both derived from the mesoderm and both are skeletal muscle, a form of striated muscle. Compared to other tissues, skeletal muscle consists of few cell types; thus using only biceps femoris muscle for sequencing results in a clean analysis, as there is not...
The final form of the model is shown in Fig. 9. Figure 9 Final recirculatory pharmacokinetic model for magnesium. A pictorial representation of the model. Parameter names are given in Table 4. Full size image Key points during the model development process were: 1) The representation of the...