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Prolonged intubation and trauma lack in the medical history while recurrent bronchitis experienced in pediatric age could explain TBM. Moreover, this patient has GERD in her medical history that can be associated with TBM [6]. It is unclear whether GERD is a cause or a consequence of TBM, ...
Other recognized genetic and environmental risk factors for EoE include: alterations in gut barrier function (e.g., from gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD]); variation in the nature and timing of oral antigen exposure (e.g., secondary to infant feeding practices, proton pump inhibitor [PPI]...
Genome-wide functional screening using the CRISPR-Cas9 system is a powerful tool to uncover tumor-specific and common genetic dependencies across cancer cell lines. Current CRISPR-Cas9 knockout libraries, however, primarily target protein-coding genes. T
Medical research is often criticised for its low resemblance to real clinical settings [1, 2]. Moreover, there is a large gap between the amount of medical research available and that useful for healthcare practitioners [3]. In that sense, there is an increasing interest in trials designed ...
[16]. It was shown in a RCT from Europe that acid-suppressive therapy in the form of PPIs maintained for 3 years facilitated neither the development of gastric glandular atrophy of the corpus mucosa nor the occurrence of IM in GERD patients [159]. Two meta-analyses based on RCTs found ...
Derek J Hausenloy (University College London), Derek M Yellon (University College London), and Gerd Heusch (University of Essen Medical School) were the top three most active and influential scholars according to the H-index. Among the top 10 journals with the most publications, Basic Research...
The complex relationship among sleep, exercise, and the gut microbiome presents a unique opportunity to improve health and wellness. Here, we conducted the first large-scale investigation into the influence of a novel elite athlete-derived probiotic, con
Teni FS, Gerdtham UG, Leidl R, Henriksson M, Åström M, Sun S, et al. Inequality and heterogeneity in health-related quality of life: findings based on a large sample of cross-sectional EQ-5D-5L data from the Swedish general population. Qual Life Res. 2022;31(3):697–712. Articl...
Moreover, we map the path forward for expanding the landscape of AF toward predicting structures of every protein and peptide, and their interactions in the proteome in the most physiologically relevant form. This discussion is based on an extensive literature search performed using PubMed and ...