Perceived kitchen smokiness was significantly associated with decreased FEV1 (− 137 ml, p = 0.021) and FEV1/FVC ratio (− 7.67%, p = 0.008). Conclusions Exposure to COF may exacerbate the progression of chronic bronchitis in nonsmoking women....
Type 4 is a moderate form with generally normal sclerae. Type 5 has been introduced in 2015 in the revised International Nomenclature group for Constitutional Disorders of the Skeleton (INCDS) classification as a radiological phenotype distinguishable from type 1–4. It is outstanding that despite ...
In IPF, the commonly used HRQoL tools have been either generic or a generic form of a disease-specific tool that was originally invented for obstructive pulmonary disease [14]. However, the King’s Brief Interstitial Lung Disease (K-BILD) questionnaire is a more recently validated self-assessed...
Strong abdominal breathing, as a form of breathing, intervenes on the respiratory muscles as well as on the carotid blood flow by means of postural adjustments and the diaphragm. In previous studies, head-down training has been found to have a rehabilitative effect in the musculoskeletal system ...
During days 14–21 after fertilization (CS5-CS8), cells in this stage undergo germ layer specialization to form the early trichoblasts, contributing to the development of all organs and systems in our body. Between developmental stages CS13 and CS14, the head predominantly harbors immune cells ...
DEP are present in diesel engine emission, which is a highly complex mixture of chemical substances in either gas or particle form. Exposure has been associated with enhanced allergic sensitization, development and aggravation of asthma, chronic bronchitis, decreased lung function, airway inflammation, ...
Importantly, we included a positive control in the form of a benchmark gene to evaluate the reliability of our inquiry. We used a SNP (rs174546), whose PheWAS results have been previously reported [99]. We confirmed that our PheWAS of this SNP reproduced all the previously reported associatio...
These cells form a thin barrier between the blood and the alveoli, enabling the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Additionally, endothelial cells produce nitric oxide, a vasodilator that regulates blood flow and pressure in the lung. One of the key functions of endothelial cells is ...
5C). Correspondingly, lung function follow-up also showed significant improvement in forced vital capacity (FVC) % of predicted (p < 0.001) and diffusing capacity of the lung for carbonmonoxide (DLCO) % of predicted (p < 0.001) at 3 months compared to discharge (Fig. 5D, E). ...
The authors declare that funding support was provided by the National Institute of Health Research (for JK - in the form of an NIHR doctoral research fellowship - NIHR302309) and also by the MPS Society (CSAC-KEN.MFT.202105). SAJ has received paid consulting fees from BioMarin regarding MPS...