What is the full form of FRN? - Floating Rate Note - Floating Rate Note (FRN) is a debt security bond, of any currency, that entitle the holder to regula
full form 美 英 un.肥船型;全拼形式 网络丰满船型;全式;肥形 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 肥船型 2. 全拼形式 释义: 全部,肥船型,全拼形式,丰满船型,全式,肥形 1. CA:Canyoupicture,inourlifetimes,apoliticianevergoing out onaplatformofthekindof full-formglobalethic,globalcitizenship?
“Fullform和reducedform的主要区别就是意思不同。Fullform的意思是丰满的、丰富的模型,而reducedform的意思是简约的模型、简单的结构。根据他们的前缀:full充满,reduced削减的,可以方便记忆。”full form - 翻译释义:完整形式肥线型,丰满船型例句:Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.清单1...
Full form和reduced form的主要区别就是意思不同,Full form的意思是丰满的、丰富的模型,而reduced form的意思是简约的模型、简单的结构。用Full form来造句可以是:1、Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.明细1给予了关联界定的详细方式。2、The doctor helped us lay out the model in ...
What is the full form of GB/T? - GuóBiāo/Tuījiàn - GB/T is a prefix used in the Chinese national standard system, which stands for
full adj 1.[full (of sth/sb)] 满的,饱含的,充满的;充足的,丰富的,挤满的 2.[full of sth] 头脑里充满某想法的,只想着某事物的 3.[full (up)] fumaroid(form) 【化】 反式; E型(指反式异构) maleinoid(form) 【化】 顺式; Z型(指顺式异构) table,form 表格 full on used to sa...
What is the full form of FAO? - Food and Agriculture Organization - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is a specialized agen
full form 和reduced form的区别为:full form 释义:肥线型,丰满船型 例句:Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.清单1提供了绑定定义的完整形式。reduced form释义:[数] 简化型,[数] 约化型 例句:In its reduced form it can be as simple as GCS.以它的减少的形式它...
Its portability means the file format can be opened on just about any device, regardless of the operating system used. Even without a PDF reader, documents in this format can be opened on any internet browser. You need some form of software to open the file, of course, but all of them...
Full form of FAO: Here, we are going to learn what does FAO stands for? FAO – which is an abbreviation of For the Attention Of in Email jargon, etc.