Furthermore, MRCP has a comparable accuracy to ERCP [7], and has been shown to reduce the number of unnecessary procedures performed in gallstone patients [8]. There is often considerable delay in carrying out two sequential imaging investigations for each patient, resulting in an increased ...
This data was used to inform a diagnostic EV-miRNA model, which was then applied to an individual cohort of patients Full size image Extracellular vesicle isolation from peripheral blood Patients were fasted from midnight the previous day according to the protocol for patients attending ERCP with ...
In developed countries, obstruction of the common bile duct by stones (38–45%) and alcohol abuse (20–36%) are the most frequent causes of AP [2, 3, 7]. However, other etiologies should be considered, such as medication, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), hypercalcemia...
All participants, who were over 18 years of age, signed an informed consent form before they participated in the study. The informed consent included information on the aims of the study, the possibility of leaving the study at any time they wished, and the transfer of data anonymously for ...
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a technically challenging endoscopic procedure, harboring a wide range of complexities within every single investigation. Classifications of the complexity of ERCP have been presented, but do not include modern endoscopic treatment modalities. In order...
Further, tissue eosinophilia, storiform fibrosis and obliterative phlebitis were present, thus confirming the diagnosis of IgG4- RD. History The first descriptions of IgG4-RD organ manifestations were published in the late 19th century. In 1892, Johann von Mikulicz - a scholar of Theodor Billroth...
In 2017, Nasiri reported a case of bilateral periorbital ecchymosis following Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and sphincterotomy [1]. Yet, periorbital ecchymosis was rare to see following kidney biopsy. Here we firstly reported a case of bilateral periorbital ecchymosis (...
The US-guided FNAC done to confirm the diagnosis of malignancy suggested TB. The patient with a hilar stricture had a history of spinal TB and imaging did not show any mass. He was subjected to ERCP and stenting to decrease the jaundice and a specimen of bile obtained at showed cytological...
When the gallbladder seems normal on ultrasonography scans, cholangiography is needed to assess the morphology and patency of the biliary tree. A cholangiogram can be obtained percutaneously (puncture of the gallbladder), endoscopically (ERCP) or at operation. ...
ERCP: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreaticography; ESWL: extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy. WHO: World Health Organization. Full size image Group A) early surgical intervention The main aim of the surgical intervention will be surgical drainage of the dilated pancreatic duct. According to the ...