DHIS2 District Health Information Software 2; DoHS Department of Health Services; HMIS Health management information system Full size image Scope of conducting disaggregated and intersectional analysis from the available HMIS data: taking TB as an example Secondary data analysis was performed to assess ...
We chose Baglung form Hill and Kailali from Terai, the southern plain. Data collection took nearly 11 weeks to complete. Study participants Enrolled and non-enrolled household heads [HH] were the respondents of the study. In case of absence or rejection to respond by the HH, another senior...
Population ageing is the main driver for the increase in People Living with Dementia (PLWD) [3], as age is one of the risk factors. The population is also ageing in Nepal [4, 5], where it is estimated that over 50% of population over age of 60 years have some form of memory-...
establishing relationships with External Development Partners (EDPs) and IFIs is the Department of Health Services (DoHS), with the objective of “enhancing effectiveness and developing health services and assist the MoHP in receiving foreign aid by clearly identifying the area of cooperation” [9]....
The respondent from the DDA admitted that only about 50–60% of pharmacies have kept some form of record-keeping while, the rest have not done so at all. However, those who do keep records, many are not up to date. The lack of human resources at the DDA and the large number of ...