Domain name system (DNS), as one of the most critical internet infrastructure, has been abused by various cyber attacks. Current malicious domain detection capabilities are limited by insufficient credible label information, severe class imbalance, and incompact distribution of domain samples in differe...
The word ‘computer’ is derived from ‘computarae’, a Latin word which means “to count” or “sum”, which is why the full form of computer is not very common as it was considered a complete meaningful word in itself. Discovered by Charles Babbage in 1882, the computer today is an ...
For example, a rule in the form of “if: antecedent -then: consequent” may lead to “if (source IP address=destination IP address) then label as an attack “. Fig. 2 Conceptual working of SIDS approaches Full size image SIDS usually gives an excellent detection accuracy for previously ...
Traditional ML approaches are based on creating features and segmentation, and DL techniques are based on learning from data in its raw form. Using pre-trained CNNs like GoogleNet and AlexNet could classify twenty-six pests and diseases within fourteen plant species [7]; 99.34% was obtained ...
The internet backbone refers to the high-speed fiber-optic lines and routers that form the core of the internet infrastructure. These lines and routers are owned and maintained by various companies and organizations around the world and enable the functioning of the internet. ...
This technological development, however, manifests in the form of new vulnerabilities and a plethora of attack vectors. In the same context, the ambiguity of ever-evolving cyber threats and their debilitating consequences introduce new barriers for decision-makers. Therefore, cyber situational awareness...
Identity theft is one of the most profitable crimes committed by felons. In the cyber space, this is commonly achieved using phishing. We propose here robust server side methodology to detect phishing attacks, called phishGILLNET, which incorporates the power of natural language processing and mach...
Big data has fundamentally changed the way organizations manage, analyze and leverage data in any industry. One of the most promising fields where big data can be applied to make a change is healthcare. Big healthcare data has considerable potential to i
In this paper, we presented our position that an open and community adaptable framework is needed to form and operate the infrastructure needed to build out future 5G networks and services. We summarized some of the challenges that needed to be solved, service orchestration, infrastructure as code...
On Thursday, researchers from Check Point said in a blog post that one such form of cryptomining malware, known as KingMiner, first appeared in June this year and is now out in the wild as a new-and-improved variant. The malware generally targets IIS/SQL Microsoft Servers using brute-force...