Ferroptosis is a distinct form of programmed cell death characterized by excessive production and accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and increased lipid peroxidation driven by iron overload [6, 7]. Glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4), a key regulator of ferroptosis, suppresses lipid peroxidatio...
3e, f). Notably, the combined treatment with both inhibitors in WRN-deficient MSCs could stimulate cells to proliferate and form CFU at a level comparable to WRN-WT MSCs. Fig. 3 Inhibition of SHIP1 and SHIP2 activated AKT signaling and stimulated cell proliferation in WRN-deficient MSC. a ...
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are crucial in nucleic acid drug delivery, enabling the transport of mRNAs and siRNAs into target cells [1]. They have gained prominence with the success of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, demonstrating their ability to elicit immune responses [...
Glycolysis is stimulated by hypoxia, and is also upregulated in the presence of oxygen as an abnormal form—the aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect). This is a multiple-step metabolic process in response to glucose uptake, increased glycolysis and weakened oxidative phosphorylation, and its ...
We found that root-endophytic Pseudomonas effectively increased medicinal plant seedling growth, crop yield, and the content of effective medicinal components. Conclusions Taken together, we demonstrate that healthy medicinal plants can form a distinct root-endophytic bacterial community, leading to an ...
2d, e). These factors contribute to the formation of NMJs (MN-Muscle cells interaction) (later Fig. 4). After co-differentiation, MN axons readily penetrate the Matrigel layer and reach the myotubes on the µ-molded hydrogel layer to form functional NMJs, while the Schwann cells ...
cellulose microfibrils can fold in a two-fold helical screw conformation (one 360° twist per two glycosidic bonds) forming stiffened sheets in parallel arrangement via inter and intra chains hydrogen bonds and sheets are held together through weak van der Waals forces to form microfibrils [13]...
Concurrent Non-malleable Zero-Knowledge.By combining theconcurrent zero-knowledgewith the security againstman-in-the-middleadversaries, Barak, Prabhakaran and Sahai (2006) introduced a stronger form of zero knowledge referred to asconcurrent non-malleable zero knowledge(CNMZK). In such protocol, the ...
Moreover, distinct populations of resident immune cells in the corneal EP, including innate lymphoid cells, Langerhans cells, mast cells, macrophages, and T cells, form a complex immune network that enables the Cor to mount prompt immune responses to different environmental challenges [17, 18]. ...
Taxol serves as an efficient natural anticancer agent with extensive applications in the treatment of diverse malignancies. Although advances in synthetic biology have enabled the de novo synthesis of taxol precursors in various microbial chassis, the to