Full form of PP is Production Planning. SAP PP is one of the largest and widely usedfunctional modules in SAPERP software. Here is a list of importantSAP PP modulerelated terms and their full form. This list will be useful for beginners and those who are trying to familiar with Production...
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Obj...
Furthermore, the dead flowers, leaves, and fruits of perennial crops contain large amounts of mycelium that can form conidia and establish infection. In aging cultures, B. cinerea also produces large quantities of microconidia from phialides, which predominantly serve as spermatia. The sexual ...
cshell Prompt is mainly composed of two parts, one is the color definition, the other is the information display. Below we discuss these two parts ...
To date, chronic wasting disease (CWD) is the most infectious form of prion disease affecting several captive, free ranging and wild cervid species. Responsible for marked population declines in North America, its geographical spread is now becoming a major concern in Europe. Polymorphisms in the ...
Displays the databags of units involved in a relation. if the endpoint is of the formapp-name/id:relation-name: it will display the application databag and the one for the unit with id=id. If the endpoint is of the formapp-name:relation-name: it will display the application databag ...
zijis the observed value for pool at timeiat a plotj;σi,j2is the error variance for pool at timeiat a plotj; andNiis the number of observations collected during the NFI at timei. Our priorsp(c) were non-informative, therefore we used the form of the likelihood function derived by ...
and acidic ambient pH induces the expression of polygalacturonase gene (Bcpg3) inB.cinereaand a number of CWDEs inS.sclerotiorum(Billon-Grand et al.2012; Wubben et al.2000; Xu et al.2018). In the process of overcoming the first barrier, the effectors also play a crucial role. Pathoge...
AVC caused by Vm occurs mainly on the trunks and large branches of trees. The bark surface is often wet and slightly raised; the tissues become putrid and easily split. The infected tissues gradually dry out, collapse slightly, and finally form localised cankers. If the disease is severe, ...
form-data 3.0.1 间接依赖 npm throat 6.0.1 间接依赖 npm chownr 2.0.0 间接依赖 npm err-code 2.0.3 间接依赖 npm eventemitter3 4.0.7 间接依赖 npm sigstore 1.2.0 直接依赖 npm console-control-strings 1.1.0 间接依赖 npm is-extglob 2.1.1 间接依赖 npm @types/semver 7.3.13 间接依赖 npm has...