According to mentalization theory, caregivers help to form a child’s mentalizing capacity by re-presenting a child’s mental states to the child [47]. In other words, this process of “symbolization” occurs through the interaction with the caregiver during childhood, emphasizing that the ability...
Do NTT, Vu HTL, Nguyen CTK, et al. Community-based antibiotic access and use in six low-income and middle-income countries: a mixed-method approach. Lancet Glob Health. 2021;9(5):e610–9. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Nguyen NV, Do NTT, Nguyen CTK, et al. Commu...
Reducing non-prescription use of antibiotics among children is one of the key issues of the general public in the fight against antimicrobial resistance [30]. The WHO and the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved the introduction of AMS (antimicrobial stewardship) programs internationally and...
Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacumL.) are a crucial crop in various countries and regions [1]. In order to maintain high productivity levels, a large quantity of pesticides is typically utilized to manage unwanted plants (weeds), insects, rodents, and fungi in tobacco fields [2]. This is esp...
In fact, LSD1 was found to form a complex with AR, stimulating its activity. Moreover, increased levels of LSD1 were associated with aggressive CRPC and high risk of disease relapse [49, 55]. Several other histone-modifying enzymes, like JHDM2A, JMJD2C, SET9, and SMYD3 have already ...
In addition, many DEGs involved in other plant hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction were significantly enriched after NAA treatment, including 7 JA, 7 CTK, 6 ETH, and 3 GA. Furthermore, we also found that NAA treatment down-regulated most of genes involved in the growth and development...
2009). CYTOKININ RESPONSE FACTORS (CRFs), which are members of the ERF-VI subfamily, can be induced by CTK and positively regulate freezing and osmotic tolerance (Rashotte and Goertzen 2010). Expression of OsERF71 can alter root architecture and confer drought tolerance mediated by ABA (abscisic...
[35]. Similarly, active form of the protein kinase Akt/PKB contributes to oncogenic transformation of cells [36]. Likewise, V599E and V600E mutations in BRAF kinase are associated with various carcinomas while BRAF somatic missense mutations occur in 66% of malignant melanomas [37]. The ...
OnMay 18, 2020, the Company announced a share repurchase program (the "2020 Program") whereby the Company is authorized to repurchase its class A ordinary shares in the form of ADSs with an aggregate value of up toUS$20 millionduring the 12-month period starting fromMay 18, 2020....
In the proposed district hospitals, there are HIV clinics in the form of separate outpatient departments (OPD). These HIV clinics carry very high volumes of patients, spanning the whole continuum of care. Recruitment procedures Within each study clinic, the research staff will identify HIV-positive...