CMYK is an abbreviation of Cyan, "Magenta, Yellow, and Key or Black", in which Key is black. It is a color model based on the subtractive color mixing of the CMY color model. This model is used for color printing, in which these four-color ink plates are used,cyan, magenta, yellow...
Microscopic structures of Pseudomegasporoporia margallensis sp. nov. (LAH38213, holotype), a = basidiospores, b = basidioles, c = basidia, d = cystidia, e = arboriform skeletal hyphae from tubes, f = skeletal hyphae from tubes, g = generative hyphae ...
in family G098 with congenital myopathy 1B, autosomal recessive (CMYP1B; OMIM 255320); c.5938del, p.(Glu1980Lysfs*5) of LAMA2 in family G100 with limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, autosomal recessive 23 (LGMDR23; OMIM 618138); ogm[GRCh38] fus(X; X)(p22.31;p21.1) involving the gene...
LED LF2506-MATRIX-IP65 light uses casting aluminum housing, designed in a fashion of hydrodynamic form. Appearance shows. It adopts high power 5-in-1 LED, which refers to COM LED is made of R,G,B,A,W 5-IN-1 LED,...
The treatment of Shigella infections has become a major challenge due to the emergence of multidrug-resistant Shigella. There is however insufficient knowledge regarding the molecular epidemiology of Shigella strains producing beta-lactamases in Africa.
The CMyLife platform is an eHealth innovation, co-created with and for CML patients, aiming to improve their care, leading to an increased quality of life and the opportunity of hospital-free care. Objective To explore the effectiveness of CMyLife in terms of information provision, patient ...
In one aspect, methods of printing a 3D article are described herein. In some embodiments, a method of printing a 3D article comprises selectively depositing a first portion of build material in a fluid state onto a substrate to form a first region of build material; selectively depositing a...
Lichens form spatially limited microbial ecosystems consisting of a fungus (mycobiont), eukaryotic algae and/or cyanobacteria (photobiont), and thousands of different bacterial species [14,15,16]. Lichen-associated bacteria carry unique functional properties adapted to the holobiont, such as the ...
Cleavage of the poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) in BCCcells after yakuchinone A treatment gave further evidence that apoptosis happenedbecause the active form of PARP, a protein associated with DNA repair, is consideredas a hallmark of apoptosis. These results suggest that yakuchinone A-...
Similarly, the effect of supplementing feed with clay minerals on the circulation of CMY-2 β-lactamase gene in commercial farms/animals was investigated and the obtained results indicated that clay supplementation may reduce the clonal diversity of blaCMY-2-positive bacterial isolates [49]. Such a...