oligoform / fullPage.js omeryildiz / fullPage.js onnayokheng / fullPage.js oo7ph / fullPage.js openroc / fullPage.js openube / fullPage.js oraclebox / fullPage.js orazionelson / fullPage.js orrisb / fullPage.js oscarmorrison / fullPage.js ottomanh / fullPage.js ...
chief creative officer and studio president: Paraform (uncredited) Daniel Post ... rotoscope/paint artist (uncredited) Tony Rudenko ... computer graphic artist (uncredited) David Sanger ... producer: New Deal Studios (uncredited) Chris B. Schnitzer ... motion control technician (uncredited...
Note that the Form example use this filter method, see Examples App. Layout between other views PinLayout has methods to position a view between two other views, either horizontally or vertically. These methods layout 2 edges simultaneously. Methods: horizontallyBetween(:UIView, and: UIView) Posit...
A directory of higher education courses in the UK in which aspects of mapping and cartography form part of the taught programme. Section 3: Summary Entries A directory of institutions, organizations and companies that are actively engaged in mapping and cartography in the United Kingdom. These sec...
Natural three-dimensional (3D) images, perceived as real objects in front of the viewer, can be displayed by faithfully reproducing light ray information. However, 3D images with sufficient characteristics for practical use cannot be displayed using conv
Microbiome alterations have been associated with depression, and fecal transfer of depressed patients’ microbiomes is sufficient to enhance despair behaviors in rodents. Yet little is known about the potential mechanisms, whereby microbes modulate depre
Increasing the endogenous IAA content induces cell differentiation to form ARs [18], and anything that affects IAA synthesis and transport can alter the development of the lateral roots [19, 20]. The crosstalk between ethylene and IAA in regulating root formation shows that the AR formation ...
The bundle has been expanded over time to its present form; ABCDEF or A–F bundle supported by international practice guidelines [66]. The A–F bundle (with pain, sedation, and delirium management, awaking and breathing trials, early mobilization, and family engagement and empowerment) is ...
50. Another possible explanation for the high frequency of the AG/TC repeat in the EST sequence data is that the AG/TC motif can appear in mRNA in the form of GAG, AGA, UCU and CUR codons, which are translated to the amino acids Arg, Glu, Ala and Leu, respectively; Ala and Leu ...
Advanced schistosomiasis is the most severe form of schistosomiasis japonica, a serious neglected tropical disease with considerable morbidity endemic in China, Indonesia, and the Philippines [1,2,3]. Lack of timely and effective treatment or long-term repeated infections can lead chronic schistosomiasis...