while female cells contain one active and one compacted and inactive X known as a Barr body [37,38]. This inactivation of one X theoretically ensures that XX transcription matches the dosage in XY males, leading to the model: 1 active X → female...
The functional Tra in the female, in concert with Tra-2, regulates the production of female-specific doublesex (dsx) mRNA. The male-specific splice form of dsx mRNA is the default splice-variant in D. melanogaster. Dsx regulates the various sex-specific traits such as gonads. Recently, sex...
The participants were given the OHIP-14G questionnaire, which is the German short form of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-49) questionnaire [18]. The validated PhOX questionnaire was used to assess patients’ oral health objectively [19]. Ethical consideration The study was approved by the...
mediated function in the form of GVHD obtained differing results that may be due to an alternative design of CAR construct with mutated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMS) (CD3ζ X2X) and a different (minor- rather than major-mismatched) model of allogeneic transplantation [13]...
By 24 hour APF the majority of larval-specific tissues are degraded and adult development is triggered [reviewed in [28]]. During the time between the 24 to 48 hour APF stages, the imaginal discs are still undergoing morphogenesis, but are close to their final adult form. The wings, leg ...
Recently, molecular mechanics has been used to obtain closed-form solutions for the elastic properties of CNTs. A truss model was presented by Odegard et al. [53] to establish the relationship between effective bending rigidity and molecular properties of a graphene sheet by equating the molecular...
Proposed functions of chromatin insulators include organizing boundaries of chromatin sub-domains and regulating local gene expression by interfering with enhancer-promoter interactions. It has been hypothesized that chromatin insulator complexes, bound at distal genetic locations, may "aggregate" to form ...
significantly reduce miR-141-3p levels and infarct volume after in vivo release. Furthermore, to achieve more accurate drug delivery in vivo, PLGA could also combine with magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) to form PLGA magnetic nanocomposites. For example, Chen et al. designed a rtPA-embedded PLGA ...
"kind-of": "3.2.2", "longest": "1.0.1", "repeat-string": "1.6.1" } }, "alphanum-sort": { "version": "1.0.2", "resolved": "http://registry.npm.taobao.org/alphanum-sort/download/alphanum-sort-1.0.2.tgz", "integrity": "sha1-l6ERlkmyEa0zaR2fn0hqjsn74KM=", "dev": true...
Subsequently triangles with a common side are merged to form crude, preliminary KOGs, after which a case-by-case analysis of each candidate KOG is carried out, among others to split fused proteins. The difference between COG and KOG lies within the last step, the manual curation. The KOG ...