is valuable for providing animal protein to the increasing human populace and also can be used as an excellent animal model for scientific research [1]. Since the domestication of the red jungle fowl, hundreds of phenotypically distinguishable domestic chicken breeds have diverged under the combined ...
13]. FiveL1proteins form a pentamer, and 72 pentamers constitute the virus capsid. TheL1andL2proteins self-assemble into virus-like particles (VLPs) that induce high levels of neutralizing antibodies and are highly protective [14,15]. The L1-VLPs are the components used in...
Lifecycle ofMicrobotryum lychnidis-dioicae. The infection cycle forM. lychnidis-dioicae) is shown. Infection begins when diploid teliospores germinate on a suitable plant surface, and after meiosis, produce linear tetrads of haploid basidiospores. These cells may mate with cells of opposite ma...
The need for intelligent and effective treatment of diseases and the increase in drug design costs have raised drug repurposing as one of the effective strategies in biomedicine. There are various computational methods for drug repurposing, one of which is using transcription signatures, especially sing...
Reportedly, HMGB1 released from damaged cells could induce a metabolic shift from glucose-dependent aerobic respiration to glycolysis via the suppression of the dimeric form of PKM2 [46]. In metabolic flux assays, LPS significantly enhanced glycolysis, but inhibited OXPHOS in primary microglia [47]....
Although surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been the mainstay of colorectal cancer treatment, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has the advantage of reducing cancer therapy-induced toxicity and is a popular form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in China[2]. In recent years,...
Allele sharing analysis indicates that 94.9% of breeds form monophyletic clusters and 25 major clades. German Shepherd Dogs and related breeds show the highest allele sharing with independent breeds from multiple clades. On average, each breed dog differs from the UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 reference at 26...
(NAT) inflorescence consists of a set of hermaphroditic central disk florets, which are considered the primitive form (Fig.1). To determine the critical stage when phenotypic differences appear between AT and NAT chrysanthemum, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and paraffin section techniques were ...
Gold/silver bimetallic nanoparticles still attract extensive interest due to their favorable properties e.g. in plasmonics or catalysis. We present here a facile and robust way for the production of clean Au/Ag binary nanoparticles (BNPs) with a total co
compartmentalizing clonal populations in microtiter plate wells of microfluidics are also unfeasible for fungi, as even using these expensive automated colony pickers and liquid handling robots; it is impossible to manipulate filamentous fungi because they usually form dense mycelia or leathery colonies [...