Canadian CCE Exam.LITERARY excerptsBIOMEDICAL engineeringdoi:10.1097/01.JCE.0000337756.06882.b3Gentles,BillJournal of Clinical Engineering
Before 2005, the Center English subtests measured applicants’ knowledge in written form only. Sasaki’s (2016) detailed analysis of the 2006 Center Exam revealed that “18% of the 50 main English test items appear to measure speaking-related ability (but indirectly through written texts), ...
These positively charged ions attract NOM and turbidity, which are typically negative, to form colloids that eventually settle out through sedimentation. Coagulation of NOM can be described by two fractions of DOC. Nonsorbable DOC is the fraction of DOC that cannot be removed by coagulation, and...