: the basic ablaut grade of an Indo-European root usually filled by the vowel e and constituting the citation form of the root Word History First Known Use 1901, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of full grade was in 1901 See more words from the same year...
At one end of the spectrum are copyright works that consist ofa compilation of information, in respect of which (typically) there is no originality (and indeed no copyright) in the information that is compiled, and where the originality only resides in the form of compilati...
We have chosen the industrial mode of " Steel Structure+" under the guidance of global market; created our own corpo-rate culture system; cooperated with Universities and Institutions; brought in numerous senior technical clerks; optimizedour own ...
According to Ekman, “entertainment” can be considered a form of meditation — if a piece of art can hold your attention and focus your mind on a single idea or stream of thought, it’s essentially meditative. “I get annoyed that so few pieces do that,” he says. “The dance world ...
In its simplest form, a professional curriculum can be seen as “a statement about what is worth knowing and how to go about learning” [2] (pg. 445). However, curricula need to be responsive to real-life demands and instil in graduates not just knowledge but ways of being and ...
In nursing, educational interventions to address WBH and incivility commonly take the form of Cognitive Rehearsal (CR) [20]. This technique involves participants discussing and practicing a response to a social situation with the aid of a facilitator [21] and there is evidence to support this ...
With the application and comprehensive development of big data technology, the need for effective research on cloud workflow management and scheduling is becoming increasingly urgent. However, there are currently suitable methods for effective analysis.
We found that PLHIV cared for in two FQHCs in Los Angeles showed high interest in and satisfaction with telemedicine for HIV care, which was delivered largely in the form of telephone visits during a mature phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Similar data have been reported from private and aca...
Prior in-lab research has established an effect of fatigue on visual search performance. For example, sleep deprivation (one form of pre-task fatigue) has been shown to impact both accuracy and response time on visual search tasks (Santhi et al., 2007). Other studies found that sleep-relate...
apparent lack of enthusiasm for compromise and its denial of the equal partnership rights of the Turkish Cypriots on the island, the Turkish Cypriot side is ready and doing its best for achieving a settlement in the form of a new partnership which will be in line with the established United...