AD-HSP is the predominant form of the disease, accounting for 43–80% of cases [3, 7,8,9,10,11]. Spastic paraplegia type 4 (SPG4) is the most common type of AD-HSP and is caused by a pathogenic variant in SPAST. Most HSP-SPAST patients are clinically characterized as pure HSPs...
Microbiome alterations have been associated with depression, and fecal transfer of depressed patients’ microbiomes is sufficient to enhance despair behaviors in rodents. Yet little is known about the potential mechanisms, whereby microbes modulate depre
Delirium is a prominent symptom of sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE) and is highly prevalent in septic patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit, being closely connected with raised mortality rates. Acute hyperglycemia (AH) has been recognize
In hierarchical clustering, the Euclidean distance algorithm was used as the similarity measure, along with the average linkage clustering algorithm, which relies on the centroids of observed values. Additionally, visual representations in the form of heatmaps were provided alongside the dendrogram....
Additionally, FAs contribute to the production of triacylglycerols (TGs) and cholesteryl esters (CEs), which serve as reservoirs of energy in form of lipid droplets. When needed, these lipid droplets are used as a fuel source for cellular bioenergetics via fatty acid oxidation [39, 40]. Free ...
GSDM cleavage releases the N-terminal domain of the protein to form pore-forming oligomers that insert into the cell membrane, leading to lytic cell death [4]. The expression of GSDM family proteins is a critical determinant of pyroptosis activation in cells [5, 6]. Previous studies have ...
Tumor cellular metabolism exhibits distinguishing features that collectively enhance biomass synthesis while maintaining redox balance and cellular homeostasis. These attributes reflect the complex interactions between cell-intrinsic factors such as geno
MSCs derived from different origins, including AT, BM, DP, UC, HUVECs, and PBMNCs, were tested for the time required to form clots in healthy plasma in the presence of Ca2+ (Fig. 1a). The cells were suspended in either NaCl or Ringer’s lactate, which are two common infusion solutio...
Colorectal cancer (CRC) commonly exhibits tolerance to cisplatin treatment, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Within the tumor microenvironment, macrophages play a role in resisting the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy by engaging in efferoc
Given that macrophages are bipotential precursors that can form either inflammatory macrophages or bone-resorbing OCs under normal physiological and disease conditions [44,45,46], the monocyte-to-macrophage transition, in close communication with inflammation processes elicited by TLR4 activation, can ...