a control strategy is proposed for ESS to track wind power planning output based on model prediction and two-layer fuzzy control. First, based on model predictive control, a model with deviations of grid-connected power from the planned output and the minimum deviation ...
The three cell types form a simple tree (shown in the left). In the array of squares and circles, each column represents a feature. Circles represent root or internal nodes, and the squares represent leaf nodes. Colors represent the differential states of the node (black: 1; gray: 0). ...
However, while it is a beautiful theoretical result on the equivalence between the global Markov property and the Gibbs factorization in RG, the latter is difficult to work with in practice due to its complex form. Fortunately, in the Gaussian case, there is an easy connection between RG and...
time problem for the Navier–Stokes equation, prove the existence and uniqueness theorems for this setting, and construct the asymptotic expansion of a solution with respect to the small parameterεequal to the ratio of the diameter of vessels to their length. We consider the Navier–Stokes equati...
Amplicons do not need to be necessarily of the same length. Clearly, each amplicon size has to be smaller than the average read size, so that a read can span an amplicon entirely. As stated in the introduction, amplicons can be designed a priori if Roche 454 GSFLX technology is used, ...
a movement arrest period represents an extreme form of intermittency where all derivatives of position go to zero for a finite non-zero duration. The longer the arrest period, the more intermittent the behaviour. It must be noted that this does not mean that a constant state of rest represents...
The first step of our approach is to transform the input MALDI data in order to reflect the topological persistence. MALDI-MSI datasets are commonly stored in ann×qmatrix, denoted byX, andXtakes its values inR≥0n×q, where each data record corresponds to an intensity value. Usually, mass...
The nuclear fission process is first used during the presented approach, in which nuclei fragments absorb hot neutrons and then form odd or even-even nuclei. Essential fission products, which might be utilized for exploitation, and subaltern fission products, which can be used for exploration, are...
form wireless adhoc networks to extend the wireless connectivity [3]. Figure1shows the network architecture of a 802.11s WMN [4]. A mesh point (MP) is an IEEE 802.11s entity that mainly acts as a relay mesh router. A mesh access point (MAP) is an MP that can also work as an ...
In contrast to most other methods, where a functional form had to be assumed a priori, this step allows quantitative diagnostics of whether a candidate of a mathematical formulation may be appropriate, at least within certain ranges of the contributing variables. The subsequent determination of ...