Guanine-rich sequences are able to form complex RNA structures termed RNA G-quadruplexes in vitro. Because of their high stability, RNA G-quadruplexes are proposed to exist in vivo and are suggested to be associated with important biological relevance. However, there is a lack of direct eviden...
The most striking aspect of our phylogenetic reconstruction for the rGC gene family represented in Figure 2, is that the majority (21 out of 25) of the C. elegans rGC genes form a robust lineage-specific clade with strong support (0.96 Bayesian posterior probability (BPP)). According to our...
ABC transporters are also proposed to be involved in the active transport of secondary metabolites [11],[25]. The spearmint PGT is presumed to undergo cell wall modification to form subcuticular storage space [12]. Among the differentially expressed unigenes there were few that were related to ...
vaccines Review Novel Protein-Based Pneumococcal Vaccines: Assessing the Use of Distinct Protein Fragments Instead of Full-Length Proteins as Vaccine Antigens Theano Lagousi 1,*, Paraskevi Basdeki 1, John Routsias 2 and Vana Spoulou 1 1 First Department of Paediatrics, "Aghia Sophia" Children's...
Synthesis and characterization of baicalein-procyanidins polyphenol nanovesicles (BPPNs) PC can utilize the physical adsorption of CaCO3on polyphenols to form vesicles [22,23], which can de-nucleate into PPNs under acidic conditions. Under the same conditions, new polyphenol vesicles, BPPNs were synt...
Poems in the Fu Form from the Han and Six Dynasties Periods 25 October 2016 (276) The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects (Beineke, Rosenhouse) Research in Recreational Math 24 October 2016 (954) Rereading the Stone (Anthony C. Yu) Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of...
The full form of dB is Decibel. The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic number used to represent the ratio of a physical quantity to a defined or assumed reference
Participants were prompted with an informed consent form at the beginning of the study also outlining that by participating they acknowledge that the data obtained from this study will be used for publication. The form can be accessed on the Github repository.Footnote 12 We sought explicit consent...
Different evolutionary models were used in both trees since the HKY+G model considers the frequency of transitional changes between purines and pyrimidines as equal. As there is no analytical form to estimate HKY+G distances, we used TrN93 model [27]. The posterior probabilities (BPP) were ...
(bootstrap = 62%; BPP = 0.80), with this clade falling outside Dasyuromorphia. Monophyly of Dasyuromorphia is recovered, but without strong support (bootstrap <50%; BPP = 0.67). In the maximum parsimony analysis (Fig.1a),Barinya(originally described as a dasyurid) andMut...