These networks form the basis of our simulation for the two time periods (i.e. from day 1 to 5 and from day 6 to 10) Full size image Using simulated data, we also conducted a sensitivity analysis in Appendix D to evaluate the robustness of LUPINE and LUPINE_single under various ...
To form the sequential input data required for our predictive model, we extract primary and secondary diagnosis terms (ICD10), procedure terms (OPCS4) and, timestamps (“epistart”) from the UK Biobank inpatient dataset. Patient events are extracted with a buffer period of 90 days before HF...
The final conceptual model is illustrated in influence diagram form (Fig. 3). This proposed model will facilitate the improvement of clinical and economic representation of CMD, where metabolic dysfunction conditions could lead to various events including both CVD and T2DM. Fig. 3 Final conceptual ...
Building accurate and generalizable machine-learning models requires large training datasets. In aerodynamics, quantities of interest are typically governed by complex, non-linear mechanisms in which neural networks are well-suited to address. However, the acquisition of large, high-fidelity datasets from...
From the 29 November, the method was changed slightly to also offer support to the participant through the recruitment process during the same call, to include more detail about what participation would involve as well as help in completing the screening form. From 26 November PRINCIPLE began ...
A cheaper-but-noisier outcome measure, like a short form questionnaire, is a more cost-effective method of maximising power in large simple clinical trials than an error free gold standard measure when the percentage increase in noise from using the cheaper-but-noisier measure is less than the ...
For example, where transfers have taken place it should be possible to identify a pair of records that form the transfer: the transfer-out record and the subsequent transfer-in record. If transfers are not fully captured, the aggregation of episodes into person spells will be affected. ...
All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare the following: BG has received research funding from Health Data Research UK (HDRUK), the Laura and John Arnold Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre,...
Women who sign the consent form thereby give consent for their babies to be included in the study. These babies are then recruited into the cohort at birth, regardless of whether they are liveborn or stillborn. Recruitment of the fathers Fathers who accompany women when they attend for the or...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is considered a primarily microvascular complication of diabetes. Müller glia cells are at the centre of the retinal neurovascular unit and play a critical role in DR. We therefore investigated Müller cell-specific signalling