Phylogenetic analysis of ascomycete yeasts that form coenzyme Q-9 and the proposal of the new genera Babjeviella, Meyerozyma, Millerozyma, Priceomyces, and Scheffersomyces. Mycoscience. 2010;51(1):2–14. Article CAS Google Scholar Nguyen NH, Suh SO, Marshall CJ, Blackwell M. ...
Despite the near-universal recognition of the right to food across the world, billions of people from all over the world are food insecure, with an estimated 900 million people facing acute hunger, while 2.4 billion people experience moderate-to-severe food insecurity [194]. The purpose of this...
the algorithm is in general only locally robust. The Filtered-X-LMS algorithm was then reformulated in the form of a filtered-error-type; however, now, a new, time-variant linear operator 1/[1−μkCk] applies on the filtered error. The coefficients of this time-variant operator...
Poor primary stability leads to micromovements of the prosthesis, resulting in pain for the patient. Poor stability after growth can result from bone resorption caused by inadequate load transfer to the bone [24]. A high fit (form fit between prosthesis and implant) has a positive effect on ...
The second, optional token (as indicated by the question mark) to be matched is any form of the verb be. Finally, a verb in past participle form or an adjective must be present. The optionality of be accounts for different possible writing styles (i.e., leg swollen or leg was swollen...
(1) identifying a functional mechanism of interest, (2) a variety of different in silico tools can be chosen and applied to evaluate the sequence containing synonymous variants. After the sequence has been processed, (3) outputs of these tools can be analyzed to form predictions. For proper ...
New Product of the Year Entry Form Winners Environmental Protection New Product of the Year Entry Form Winners Advertising Media Kit Contact Us Agency@1105 List Rentals Reprints Subscribe Advanced SearchASSP Releases New Safety Training Standard for Construction and Demolition Sites This voluntary consensu...
directly influences the equilibrium of the dissociated and undissociated form of malonic acid, and hence the ability of this precursor to cross the plasma membrane. A possible solution to promote malonate uptake, is the reconstitution of a functional malate permease,e.g., Mae1 ofSchizosaccharomyces...
[6,7]. One extreme form of CNV is the presence-absence variation (PAV), in which a particular sequence is present in some individuals while absent in others. The advance of long- and short-read sequencing technologies has significantly boosted the identification of PAVs in numerous species [...
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