What is the full form of laser?LASERAn electron revolves around the nucleus in different orbits, which are allowed by certain selection rules. It was shown by Einstein that there are some orbits which are not allowed according to selection rules .Electron can be raised to these not allowed ...
What is the full form of IQ? - IQ Full Form is Intelligence Quotient. Learn more about Intelligence Quotient by visiting BYJU'S.
Access educational and computer full forms list with the meaning, definition, and example of the acronym or abbreviation. Visit BYJU’S now to learn interesting educational related full forms.
Full Form of CNC Acronym Full-Form CNC Computerized Numerical Control CNC or Computerized Numerical Control is a control system for using electronic digital computers to control devices. CNC is used to move machines and optimize, regulate, and record their movements. What is Computerized Numerical Co...
Small and Medium Enterprises play an extremely significant responsibility in the expansion of any country and advancement of that country's industrial economy. They also encourage and inspire people for dynamic innovation and competition in many economic segments. The acronym "SME" is used by global ...
In 1953, UNICEF turned out to be the permanent member of the United Nations General Assembly and its name was shortened to United Nations Children's Fund. On the other hand, the assembly keeps hold of its acronym "UNICEF".In the present time, UNICEF is operating and functioning in more th...
Eriophyoid mites (Eriophyoidea) are among the largest groups in the Acariformes; they are strictly phytophagous. The higher-level phylogeny of eriophyoid mites, however, remains unresolved due to the limited number of available morphological characters—
A laryngo-tracheo-esophageal cleft (LC) is a congenital malformation characterized by an abnormal, posterior, sagittal communication between the larynx and the pharynx, possibly extending downward between the trachea and the esophagus. The estimated annu
What is the full form of UNICEF? - UNICEF Full Form is United Nations Children's Fund (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund). Learn more about United Nations Children's Fund (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) by vi
made out of type I kinase inhibitors before this conclusion was recently proven to be a seldom case, it appears important to be somewhat careful with this shift of meaning [14]. We are therefore choosing to avoid the ABPP acronym in the review, when the molecules described are not hijacking...