This manipulation can take the form of transfection, a process whereby foreign nucleic acids are introduced into eukaryotic cells to either increase or decrease the expression of a protein [5]. However, the airway epithelium is inherently resistant to invasion by foreign particles, including pathogens...
aform id="form1" name="form1" mehodt="post" action="register.asp?act=2 形成id= " form1 " name= " form1 " mehodt= "岗位" action= " register.asp ?act=2 [translate] a总之,学习成绩好比较有益 In brief, the academic record is just like beneficially [translate] aleave the field ...
Gli1(+) mesenchymal stromal cells form a pathological niche to promote airway progenitor metaplasia in the fibrotic lung. Nat Cell Biol. 2020;22(11):1295–306. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Rao W, Wang S, Duleba M, ...
Third, although Nr4a1−/− mice showed no change in choroidal sprouting angiogenesis compared to wildtype mice, the choroidal sprouting assay only tests the ability of endothelial cells to migrate, proliferate, and form tubes in Matrigel. Since we did not comprehensively characterize additional ...
In addition to the high immune heterogeneity of tumor cells, the heterogeneity of other cell types further increases the complexity of tumor tissue. These different types of cells form a complex interaction network through ligand-receptor interaction, paracrine, autocrine, and other intercellular ...
In metazoans, members of the MCM family 2–7 form a hexamer complex at the DNA replication fork, which determines the initiation of DNA replication [93]. After NaCr treatment, the MCM protein in chromatin decreases significantly, and MCM3 is crotonylated [49], which indicates that DNA replica...
Predicted three-dimensional structures of EgANXB2 (A), EgANXB18 (B), EgANXB20 (C), and EgANXB23 (D). C, C terminal; N, N terminal. The Ca-binding sites were indicated, and EgANXB23 was predicted to form a dimer Full size image ...
The drainage site of the inferior mesenteric vein (IMV). a The IMV flows into the splenic vein and forms the portal vein. b The IMV flows into the superior mesenteric vein and forms the portal vein. c The IMV, SMV and splenic vein merge simultaneously to form the portal vein. IMV, inf...
a Design process of a string-of-beads vaccine (SBV). Given a set of antigen candidates, epitopes are derived either experimentally or computationally. A selection of n candidate epitopes is determined, which form the basis of the SBV. These epitopes are either directly combined into a ...
Taxonomic identification was conducted using TaxonKit [33] software, along with the rma2info program integrated into MEGAN6 [34]. The RNA secondary structure prediction of the novel viruses was conducted using RNA Folding Form V2.3 (