The formation of a mature messenger RNA (mRNA) is a multi-step process. In higher eukaryotes, variations in each of these steps, including alternative transcription initiation, differential splicing of exons, and alternative polyadenylation site usage, change the content of the mature transcript. The...
It is probably the most common monogenic gene disorder in the world and is especially frequent in Mediterranean countries, South-East Asia, Africa, the Middle East and in the Indian subcontinent. During the last few decades the incidence of alpha thalassaemia in North-European countries and Norther...
Unpaired loop and bulge regions can be unstructured or form tertiary structural modules, both of which can be readily recognized by RBPs. In contrast, double-stranded RNAs, in general, do not provide good platforms for RBP binding: structured RNA regions captured by gPAR-CLIP generally had low...
Inteins are self-splicing protein elements. They are translated as inserts within host proteins that excise themselves and ligate the flanking portions of the host protein (exteins) with a peptide bond. They are encoded as in-frame insertions within the
Teliospores are primarily 2-celled with each cell containing two haploid nuclei that have paired, if not fused to form the diploid state [8]. They often appear in low numbers on the lower parts of the plant, including the stem. Under the proper conditions, the teliospore germinates and a...
The Sir proteins interact with each other and with hypoacetylated histones H3 and H4 to form a repressive structure. At HML and HMR the Sir complex is recruited by Rap1, Abf1 and the origin recognition complex (ORC) which bind to the HM silencers. At telomeres the Sir complex is ...
In addition to the high immune heterogeneity of tumor cells, the heterogeneity of other cell types further increases the complexity of tumor tissue. These different types of cells form a complex interaction network through ligand-receptor interaction, paracrine, autocrine, and other intercellular ...
We explored a role of Wnt signaling in insulin-positive cell migration to form a pancreatic islet. In the mouse embryo at about E9.5, the primitive pancreatic epithelial cells express a transcription factor, pdx-1. Glucagon-positive cells are first detected around E10.5, and insulin-positive cel...
1B, Fig. S1), which showed no obvious clinical symptoms in the form of locomotor activity and depressive symptoms. The above results indicated that Δα-amy cysts were avirulent to mice, consistent with the results we reported previously [23]. Murine colon tissues were collected to measure ...
theCLV3-WUSnetwork in the shoot,CLE40andWOX5form a self-regulating network that controls the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells in the root [14]. Besides these vital meristematic regulatory genes, the organization and maintenance of cells in meristems are also modulated by several cel...