full form和reduced form的区别如下:1.full form 释义:肥线型,丰满船型,reduced form释义:[数] 简化型,[数] 约化型。2.full form意思是完全形式,全形。reduced form意思是简化形式,还原型,简化型。3.form本义是表示形状/外形/形式意思的名词,也可以转化为动词表示形成/构成。动词是用来表示...
Full form和reduced form的主要区别就是意思不同,Full form的意思是丰满的、丰富的模型,而reduced form的意思是简约的模型、简单的结构。用Full form来造句可以是:1、Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.明细1给予了关联界定的详细方式。2、The doctor helped us lay out the model in ...
“Fullform和reducedform的主要区别就是意思不同。Fullform的意思是丰满的、丰富的模型,而reducedform的意思是简约的模型、简单的结构。根据他们的前缀:full充满,reduced削减的,可以方便记忆。”full form - 翻译释义:完整形式肥线型,丰满船型例句:Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.清单1...
full form 和reduced form的区别为:full form 释义:肥线型,丰满船型例句:Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.清单1提供了绑定定义的完整形式。reduced form释义:[数] 简化型,[数] 约化型例句:In its reduced form it can be as simple as GCS.以它的减少的形式它可以是一样简单的象...
full form 和reduced form的区别为full form 释义肥线型,丰满船型。1.form本义是表示形状/外形/形式意思的名词,也可以转化为动词表示形成/构成,动词是用来表示动作或状态的词汇,限定动词在句中作谓语,有人称和数的变化。非限定动词有动词不定式,动名词和分词三种。在句中不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。
full form 和reduced form的区别为:full form 释义:肥线型,丰满船型 例句:Listing 1 gives the full form of the binding definition.清单1提供了绑定定义的完整形式。reduced form释义:[数] 简化型,[数] 约化型 例句:In its reduced form it can be as simple as GCS.以它的减少的形式它...
part of speech 词类 full (= strong) form 完整完整式式 reduced (=weak) form 弱读弱读式式 shall auxiliary verb [ʃæl] [ʃəl] we personal pronoun [wi ː] [w ɪ] for preposition [f ɔːɹ] [f ɹ] and conjunction [ænd] [n] shared features of “Words with ...
Theyalsohave“strongform”(stressed)and“weakform”(unstressed).Examples: partofspeech词类词类词类词类fullform完整完整完整完整式式式式reducedform弱读弱读弱读弱读式式式式 hé和和和和conjunction[xɤ ʌ ] 2 [xə] shì是是是是copula(“low-content”verb)[ʂʅː] ...
Poverty alleviation requires both external and internal forces to form a synergy. China fully respects the principal role of the poor and encourages them to play their part, inspires them with the motivation to fight poverty, and enhances their ability to participate in development, share the ...
1. to the greatest degree or extent; completely or entirely; (`full' in this sense is used as a combining form); "fully grown" "he didn't fully understand" "knewfullwell" "full-grown" "full-fledged" 展开全部 词根词缀 词根:full ...