与个人的经济目标一样,国家的经济目标也是用最少的付出获得最大的收益。人类整体经济的进步,靠的是以同等的劳力获得更多的产出。正因为如此,人们用骡子代替人力负重,接着发明轮子和四轮马车,进而发明铁路和卡车。也正因为如此,人类运用自己的聪明才智,创造出了成千上万的省力发明。 这个出发点再简单不过了,如果不是...
BURCHARDT, F. A., et al. , The Economics of Full Employment (Oxford: Blackwell, 1945).Firth, G.G. 1945, `The economics of full employment', Economic Papers, no.5, pp.5- 19.Burchardt, F.A. et al. (1944), The Economics of Full Employment, Oxford: Basil Blackwell....
InCouncil of Economic Advisers …not be able to achieve full employment. The second was the influence of John Maynard Keynes on economic theory. Keynesian economics theorized that free-market economies might settle at below full-employment equilibria, thus necessitating government stimulus to push the...
Over Full Employment Equilibrium: ADVERTISEMENTS: It refers to a situation when AD is equal to AS beyond the full employment level. It occurs after the full employment level. 1. In Fig. 8.5, AD, = AS at point ‘G’ which is higher than the full employment ...
Economic Problems *1. Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson. (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947. Pp. xi, 222. $2.00.) 2. Abba P. Lerner and Frank D. Graham, ed.: Planning and Paying for Full Employment. (Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1946. Pp. 222. $3.00.) ...
Successful Employment 95% accepted a job offer three months after graduating; 43% switched country, role and industry; More than 80% work in Germany after graduation Perspectives “I feel I now have the tools to better manage projects and people, and I have learned to communicate more ef...
are elites in different industries, serving as executives in large state-owned enterprises, multinational companies, and government organizations. Through integrating school’s various resources, the MBA Career Development Center facili...
The following parts of this article will use the age-period-cohort effect analysis method to separate age, period, and cohort effects while taking gender, marital status, nonagricultural hukou, employment status, and subjective social status as control variables. The results are shown in Table 2....
In the study conducted by Bagheri et al. (2017), Poisson regression was employed to identify preferred fertility factors, revealing that variables such as the current number of children, employment status, education level, type of marriage, and place of residence impact the desire for fertility. ...
For instance, an individual-level study found an important association between inadequate employment and birth weight decrease [37]. In Switzerland, the unemployment rate almost doubled between the beginning of the Great Recession and the end of 2009, from 2.4% to 4.4% [77]. If the crisis ...