Full- versus Half-Day preschool Attendance:Vlietstra, Alice G
free work time, outdoor recreation, and snack time. However, during free work times the children can choose which materials they work on a given day. For example, one child may like to work with math materials while another may want to do an art project or geography...
In addition, WPS hypothesized that a full-day schedule would be more compatible with the work lives of many of the parents living in this district. Prior to 2016, WPS provided only half-day preschool, for four days per week. In 2016-2017, WPS created nine new full-day classrooms as part...
1. This study examined the relationships between students' attendance at fullday, half-day, or no preschool and first grade reading achievement. 214 urban, low SES public first grade students of mixed ethnicities were studied. Using the students' Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) scores (Bea...
This study assesses whether learning gains associated with full-day preschool were sustained through third grade by analyzing achievement scores and need
preschool teachers using the SDQ, teachers' assessment of engagement and social interaction using the CEQ, and the CHC psychologist's assessment of the child's psychosocial health using LillaLAPS largely agree, in terms of the child's mental health, behavioural problems and everyday function. The...
Preschool children are not meeting recommended levels of physical activity (PA) nor are they proficient in fundamental motor skills (FMS), which are the foundation for PA. As such, interventions are needed to increase PA and FMS in young children. This t
Arguments have also been made around the potential reduction of stress for parents whose children are in FDK programmes, due to not having to locate half-day child care or a means of delivering their children to off-site arrangements. It should be noted, however, that FDK does not replace ...
full-day preschool benefits parents by providing children with a continually enriched environment throughout the day, thereby freeing parental time to pursue career and educational opportunities. By offering another service option, full-day preschool also can increase access for families who may not othe...
Children who attended a full-day preschool program had higher scores on measures of school readiness skills (language, math, socio-emotional development, and physical health), increased attendance, and reduced chronic absences compared to children who attended part-day preschool, according to a study...