Please is full charge capacity meant to be bigger than design capacity Category: Battery Issue I have the same question 1 REPLY chumra Author 2 0 0 New member 09-14-2024 12:08 PM Was this reply helpful? Yes No Recommendations Battery's full ...
✅ Design capacity is equal to full charge capacity in battery report:My battery report is acting very weird... it shows the design capacity equal to that of full charge capacity and both are decreasing over time. Can...
plug of my charger then suddenly the capacity went down to around 47 percent. i thought the battery was severely damaged by somehow but when i ran a battery report it reported a 62,000 mwh full charge capacity where in the design capacity was only about 38,000 mwh. so far i have ...
The full charge capacity is 36.09 Wh, the design capacity is 35 Wh, the cycle count was 185, and the manufacture date was 06/24/2022. It's not unusual for Full Charge Capacity to exceed Design Capacity on a new battery. It just means that the battery...
西宫硝子 真·大神 1 求助啊quq急死了我!!!明天要用电脑但是赶上停电 雷军i 真·大神 1 电池用了多久了?你先校准一下 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示8...
I checked the battery life of my laptop using command prompt and it seems that I have a higher full charge capacity (which is the current battery health of my laptop) than the design capacity (the condition of the battery since its manufacturing). My question is that is this ...
1. Considering there are only 9 charging cycle, now the figure are too low for the full cycle charge. It means 7.6% loss after 9 cycle charge. It is so ridiculous. 2. Why the design capacity is reduced? Is it should not be changed, right?
The current design of ASUS devices come with built-inRSOC (Relative State Of Charge)and the purpose is to prolong the overall lifespan of the battery. The description below can explain this phenomenon: When the battery capacity islower 95%with AC adapter connected, the battery will be charged...
Buyer should provide serial number and photos of defective machines, but buyer should pay the shipment charges and return us the broken parts. Exchange: If you reported problem to us in one month on arrival of the machine, we accept the exchange. Buyer needs pay the...
1 new user my acer aspire3 notebook battery has a design capacity of 41,771 mwah and full charge capacity of 15,446 mwah what should i do? [edited the topic title to include the topic issue.] 0 answers do a battery report and post that report ...