Okay. So i have a hp notebook with battery design capacity at 36480mwh. And initial full charge capacity when i checked it after.some use was 35990mwh with 2 cycle count out of 1000 cycles. After some software updates, the full charge capacity jumped to 39560mwh,...
网络充满后的容量;满充容量;完全充电容量 网络释义 1. 充满后的容量 ...总设计容量(Design capacity),实际充满后的容量(Full charge capacity),目前的容量(Current capacity),电池的生 … notebook.pconline.com.cn|基于47个网页 2. 满充容量 大家的710电池能用多久... ... voltage 电压full charge capacity...
✅ Design capacity is equal to full charge capacity in battery report:My battery report is acting very weird... it shows the design capacity equal to that of full charge capacity and both are decreasing over time. Can...
My Lenovo IdeaPad 3 15ITL05 full charge capacity keeps decreasing when fully charged and when charger is unplugged, full charge capacity increases. The full charge capacity is now 36,090 mWh which is more than the design capacity, which is 35,000 mWh. The ...
西宫硝子 真·大神 1 求助啊quq急死了我!!!明天要用电脑但是赶上停电 雷军i 真·大神 1 电池用了多久了?你先校准一下 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示8...
plug of my charger then suddenly the capacity went down to around 47 percent. i thought the battery was severely damaged by somehow but when i ran a battery report it reported a 62,000 mwh full charge capacity where in the design capacity was only about 38,000 mwh. so far i have ...
... RemainingCapacity 剩余电量 FullChargeCapacity 电池实际满电量 OperationConfiguration 操作配置 ... winp.cn|基于2个网页 3. 的容量 ...计容量(Designcapacity),实际充满后的容量(Fullchargecapacity),目前的容量(Currentcapacity),电池的生产厂商等信息。hi.baidu.com|基于1 个网页...
My full charge capacity shows more then the design capacity Hello guys. I just bought from a friend a Macbook Pro 15 2017 and i have some issues with my battery. It drains around 10% per night on sleep mode and the Full Charge Capacity shows more than the Design Capacity. Cycle Count...
Design Capacity mAh 3000mAh, Design Capacity cWh 2280cWh, Design Voltage 7600mV,FullChargeCapacity才 2533mAh ,这个FCC是怎么计算出来的。
I have an X230 with 6 cell battery. The OS is Windows 8. I've noted that the design capacity and full charge capacity are both lower with 9 cycle counts. The design capacity is 57720mWh and the full charge capacity is 57420mWh while these two figures should be 62160...